• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • Well, if memory serves from what they told me on the heritage trip, the Israelis were kicked out pre Jesus, when they were defeated by… Someone ( me memory ain’t always the best) and said someone gave the land to a different set of enemies, bastardizing the name of enemies into Palestinians. So we’re talkin about a much longer chunk of time, like less than 500 vs 2400 years, and as far as I remember ( could be wrong) the Palestinians we’re the ones to kick them out, jus a different enemy. Also the indigenous people aren’t bombing hospitals and food aid in hopes of pushing whitey back into the ocean, but do I think we owe reparations to them, among others, including that of more land? Absolutely. Does this include if it were to displace me? Sure. It would suck but ya know, if it was done above board and peacefully, not much I can do. Anything involving war crimes though would instantly loose my sympathy.

  • If you think anyone is so entitled to land that they can commit crimes against humanity without recompense, you’ve lost the plot. Is the land theirs? No idea and depends on who you talk to, cause quite frankly, the argument that they were there first means every American that isn’t indigenous needs to get out, and that’s not even a great 1:1 analogy. If they are indeed entitled to that land, there are waaaaaay better ways to goin about than bombing hospitals. Zionest are jus makin things worse for Jews in general, cause their religious fanatics that are sure in their crusade and the rest of us are either with them or against them.

  • Zenjal@lemmy.worldOPtoVaporents@lemmy.worldBetter sessions
    2 months ago

    Thanks for the detailed reply!

    Not using the fan currently and drawing pretty slow… I think, I’ve got a screen in the whip that I noticed gets full of grounds from time to time. This is the first I owned, I used to borrow a lil pencle sharpener shaped desktop before and was able to use it pretty nicely.

    It’s packed pretty loose, I was using the cloud side since it’s closer to the heat, though it’s the bigger chamber an I’m maybe half fillin it, though I have been stirrin.

    As for preheatin, I may have misunderstood the process, I’ve been leavin it on to heat the actual bowl for 5-20 then puttin the ground in and hittin it, I guess it should sit in the bowl for a bit, but not too long, and that makes sense with the heat. I’ve been up to that much with the last bowl, but I was tryin at 400-20 originally.