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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • … OK?

    Most people would design a very similar app if asked to design a weather app. Due diligence would be looking at existing apps in the space and making a decision on how much you want to deviate from the norm.

    I once had to make an EPG for a TV app. EPGs are the channel schedules on any cable box interface.

    It was stupidly complicated getting the navigation down solid. Took a long time. My boss asked at the end “this is great. Can we patent anything from it?”

    Uh, no. Anyone with the same problem (navigating multiple channel schedules at once via arrow keys) is going to come up with something similar.

    Same with weather apps. And Apple even has guidelines on app layouts for scrolling vs drilling down nested pages.

    Seems like the AI did exactly what a human would do.

  • There’s no time to step aside. Primaries are over. Trying to squeeze primaries in now would be a disaster.

    The time for Biden to step aside was a year ago. And honestly, as much as I have liked his policy (excluding Isreal), and still trust his administration to execute on even if he’s incapable of leading it himself, that debate was terrible for his campaign.

    There are only two options now. Continue running himself and try to salvage the situation, or hand the reigns to Kamala. Neither is a good choice, campaign wise.

  • Yep, I drew out a plausible plan in another thread on how that could work.

    Arrest them on corruption, Espionage, domestic terrorism, etc charges. Either move them to an offshore blacksite, or “accidentally” kill them during the arrest.

    That would certainly fall under “official acts”, and if it’s overstepping authority, well, who cares because even if they’re deemed crimes, they were done in the context of official duties to keep this country safe.

    And then when the corrupt SCOTUS members are purged, fill the seats with those that will uphold that Bidens orders were official acts. And Biden can pardon those executing his orders.

    This is exactly what the SCOTUS just enabled. It’s absolutely abhorrent. And Biden would never do it because it’s obviously anti democratic and would establish a dictatorship.

    But Trump WILL do it. And the current SCOTUS will allow it.

  • No no no no, you don’t get it.

    BIDEN is not a king. Because the conservative owned SCOTUS will rule that whatever crimes he commits in office are not done as official business.

    TRUMP is the future first monarch. Only his crimes will be deemed official business.

    This ruling is just setting him up for a SCOTUS pardon, which they just granted themselves the power to do, so he can assume his throne.

    SCOTUS gave themselves the power to absolve the POTUS of crimes. And POTUS already has the power to absolve anyone else of federal crimes.

    Yep. Totally what the founders wanted.

  • The president cannot impeach them unilaterally, and is explicitly out of his power.

    He could, however, potentially send them to a blacksite as a prisoner or conveniently kill them as part of that arrest. They could claim collusion with domestic terror groups, espionage, corruption, etc, as very plausible justification for arrest, and that would probably qualify as official duties, at least how this SCOTUS would classify the same actions if executed by a republican president.

  • This is the key problem that seems to be getting buried everywhere

    The big challenge has been that humanitarian convoys have stopped carrying the aid from the pier’s storage area further into Gaza, to get it into civilian hands, because they have come under attack.

    If we’re not worrying about the cost of the pier, which I don’t think the Left is at all, then it’s really not about the storms and the maintenance that’s needed to keep it operational.

    The problem is Isreal is still functionally blocking the aid from reaching the people.

    So why spend so many resources on this pier and put your people at risk, when distribution of the delivered aid is blockaded the same as the land aid.

  • I’ve borrowed my parents minivan for this in the past, but their newer Odyssey (~8yr old) doesn’t even fit sheet goods without going diagonal, which causes problems. Plus even with care, it inevitably scratches up the interior.

    I’d rather have a medium to small sized truck with a standard to extended bed. I don’t care about scratches or dents, so can just toss things in without a worry, and can load without even lowering the tailgate.

  • No, it’s an extended cab model, which have tiny beds. Like, you can’t even fit standard construction material (8ft) in it with the tailgate down without it sticking out well past the tailgate.

    Yes, trucks are longer than they used to be, but extended cabs are far more common than they were. Living in a city, the vast majority of trucks are extended cabs with tiny beds.

    They’re basically SUVs with an open trunk. Enough room for a tool chest and a cooler, and you’ll need to hitch a trailer if you actually want to haul anything.

  • I’m also in the market for a truck to enable a woodworking hobby. Basic requirement is being able to haul sheet material (4’ wide) with no fuss.

    Even 20 year old beaters are going for over 10k in my area.

    Anything in the last 10 years or so is bloated. Even the smallest models like Tacomas are ridiculously sized, yet have tiny beds.

  • The SEC won’t get additional funding, so they’ll necessarily have to let all but the highest priority cases go because they don’t have enough resources to take everything to court.

    This is exactly what the Republicans want. It’s exactly what they did to IRS. Create more work for them and starve them at the same time, so that their corporate puppetmasters can get away with whatever they want, and the few times they do get taken to court, they can throw their big team of lawyers at it, drag it out, and make it not worth pursuing.

    This is by design. This is their goal. And I’m certain that SCOTUS colluded with the lower courts to deliver this case to them with a bow tie.