In spirit I totally agree with you, but that kind of strategy just doesn’t work anymore. Boycotting Apple is relatively easy. Boycotting Disney is a little harder, unless you’re already a pirate, but not impossible. Then there’s companies like Nestle, arguably worse than any of them. Companies like Nestle, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi are so diversified, with so many subsidiaries and shell companies spread the world over. It is damn near impossible for the average person to boycott Nestle in any meaningful way.
Go ahead and try to boycott just one or two of the corporations in this image. Boycotts may still impact specific brands at a local level, but they have become pretty ineffective against corporations.
All of the boycotts in the world can’t beat the apathy rotting away the foundation of democracy. Boycott one company or brand and another will step in to fill the political void. Apathy keeps young voters out of the voting booths in local elections. These companies have a vested interest in convincing you that your vote doesn’t matter and that government regulation is ineffective. It’s a lie to keep you apathetic and disinterested in politics because your vote is the only part of the system they can’t directly influence.
Do you want pink eye? Because that’s how you get pink eye.