Same guy as
Yep thats how all my worlds look. “Here is your table, and here is your chair. What else could you need?”
Yeah I dont mind seeing a butthole but there are bots posting gore and its not fun. I’ve reported it where I’ve seen it. They all seem to mention soyjak . party (I dont want to actually link it)
Final Fantasy 2 (actual 2 not the one with Cecil) is way underrated. Its got a dialogue system like Morrowind, skills that get better as you use them, a fantastic villian, and great story beats. Its also the first game to have Cid. Also also people love FF for the mix of fantasy and tech and 2 is the first game to really embrace that theme. 1 has a one off robot and the airship, but 2 really shows the empire abusing technology to retain power.
SPOILERS SPOILERS [people love 6 because the world gets messed up, but 2 did it first with the empire destroying several cities] END OF SPOILERS
And you have talking beavers and I think thats great.
All we want to do is eat your brains
The quote in the picture is attributed to author unknown lol, I am 90% sure they just made it up for the game though.
But yes it is from Midnight Wanderers, a very fun game!
Ok cool! I figured I was missing something. Thanks for the suggestion :^)
I don’t know Bruce Sterling, so I read a few of the articles. Is it a scifi blog? It seems more like a general art and writer sort of thing? I might have not scrolled down far enough.
Anybody that you’d suggest checking out?
No I meant the minecraft sheep guy. Unless you did too haha
Acme Animation Factory has a drawing program and works with the same mouse as Mario Paint.
That is amazing! Im sad he never continued.
“When the hotdog entered the body you became half man, and half hotdog, but fully neither” - Apollinaris
I love the visual image of a bank robber saying “are you with me??”
Im on TV!
Your question made me realize I had never thought about this at all so I spent some time searching. If I am understanding this article correctly it essentially boils down to the factors that would cause rotational symmetry at a smaller scale ie spinning sand on a plate apply at the galaxy scale as well.
Need to post the blank one if you want it to pop off
Words of wisdom right there