Yeah but you can’t say that with words, ya dingus. You can only say it with capital.
Yeah but you can’t say that with words, ya dingus. You can only say it with capital.
This is the propaganda we are sold, yes.
ZFS is an enterprise software RAID, and 1:1 RAM to TB is the minimum recommended requirement for a production server (e.g. enterprise implementations).
I’ve seen many users stating they have far far less than 1:1 without issues. I recall a r/DataHoarder user saying they have 100+ TB’s and only 16 or 32GB RAM, which is not fully utilized, so it all depends on your usage profile and the size/scale of r/w ops occurring during peak periods.
In nature, youth is associated with the ability to breed successfully, and a greater chance of survival/strength/longevity. As soon as animals are capable of breeding, they do.
Just because we’ve built a civilisation, it doesn’t mean those baser instincts are eliminated. Human males are designed to be attracted to the physical changes present in post-pubescent females, so they end up being attracted to that + youth.
There are many more reasons like taboo etc, but that’s the core evolutionary / biological reason.
Was that before or after the Red Shoe Diaries?
I have never met anyone who calls themself an “alpha”. If I ever do, I’ll consider them the same as internet “alphas”… to be both a dumb cunt, and a scared little pussy ass bitch.
Intentionally dismantled by a fascist theocracy.
America’s a corporate dictatorship. You and I both know this will never happen without a regime change.
Fascist does a fascism. Screws everyone. Only idiots surprised.
I’m no expert on this topic, but I’ve previously read that when a thing is made free people stop valuing it.
This sounds like a misunderstanding of economics. If someone gives away something for free, they’re only saying the thing has no value to them, etc, or — in the context of gov services — the act of giving it away has more value. It’s never that the thing itself has no intrinsic value, “period”.
You could definitely argue that the 50c fee prevents homeless people from squatting, or completely unnecessary travel, but I would argue that everyone should be provided with shelter, and 50c probably isn’t going to prevent unnecessary travel anyway.
Calm down, Communist! /s
There isn’t any difference between a kleptocracy and corporatocracy.
Lol. The US is a fucking failed state that couldn’t even defeat Vietnamese, Afghan, or Iraqi peasants at the peak of their empire, with trillions of dollars in capital… Literally 1000x more capital than their enemy.
Every country needs to grow balls, forge alliances, and tell the US to collectively get fucked. They’re swinging their dick around like they hold the cards, when they’re grossly incompetent, and without the rest of the world playing ball the US is fucking dead in the water. All of their wealth is worthless without the global supply chain. They will collapse in months without us.
Even if Ukraine’s gov fell, it’s likely Russia would be locked in a guerrilla warfare quagmire (like Afghanistan in the 80’s). If the USSR couldn’t defeat a bunch of peasants, why would a state with 1/10th the power be able to defeat Ukraine?
If the EU is smart — and not a bunch of capitalist oligarchies masquerading as “democracies” — they’ll offer asylum and jobs to US scientists, and brain drain the US of what little remaining leverage they have.
The “splinter” of the Republicans was created on behalf of, backed by, and directly benefited the corporate oligarchy and their capital.
The splintering of the left to hold those same corporate oligarchs responsible — threatening their wealth and power — will not be backed by corporations or their capital. It will be ruthlessly attacked by them, and if the threat becomes more than just a fringe movement the response will be the full force of the fascist dictatorship, the propaganda machine, surveillance state/capitalism, and MIC (e.g. death camps, mass murder, etc).
But it should still happen, because the chance of success diminishes with every position fascists fill… If it doesn’t happen sooner than later it’ll probably never happen.
Saying “nazi lives don’t matter” isn’t even “dehumanizing”.
Dehumanization is Trump calling immigrants rapists and criminals, and associating them with insects, rodents, and pests.
Dehumanization is banning every government department from acknowledging the existence of women, LGBTQ+, minorities, etc, and ordering them to erase any mention of their history.
You’re right. I scrolled through the instances top communities. Most seemed political, and are pretty small, so I just assumed it’s a propaganda mill. Might not be.
This is stupid. The USA’s fascist regime will funnel intel about Poland to Russia.
Poland should be trying to increase regional and EU military cooperation; not negotiating with terrorists.
That wasn’t what was reported, and is largely false. What was reported is that people are buying NEW drives which have FARM values indicating years of use. Also the most likely cause being a crypto project going under, and dropping petabytes in capacity over the last 12 months.
This type of fraud hasn’t been proven in the used HDD space. There are many reasons used drives are sold other than exceeding usable life or warranty. Companies over forecast capacity or simply go bankrupt all the time (see crypto / ai), and those drives are sold. Considering drives are 30-50% more expensive now than they were 6-12 months ago the incentive and profitability of resale has increased.
I’ve also seen evidence that the same systemic election interference, voter purges/disenfranchisement, gerrymandering, etc — the leading reason for GOP wins over the last 20 years, and were never legitimately addressed or removed — were more than enough to secure Trumps win of the EC.