Alt account:, used to interact in places where federation is still spotty on .world.

  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • if Linux/Mac/Windows all have the same deadkey combination for ë and ê on their built-in AZERTY, use a macro that types that.

    They do actually. Macro it is then.

    For the ligatures, I might actually map AltGr-O and AltGr-A to some keys and Alt+0156 and Alt+0230 to adjacent keys, so there is no need to maintain layer spaghetti just for two (useful but relatively uncommon) characters.

    A whole new can of worms can be opened too with accented, uppercase letters.

    I’m gonna scale my ambitions down. Let’s not be more royalist than the king as we say in French, I will aim for parity with the AZERTY keyboard and we’ll see from there.

  • Funnily enough, they are. Some tech millionnaire invested in them just after I (and 90% of the IT staff) left.

    We all thought he was going to be another whale that they would bleed dry. But he actually took over and changed a lot of things.

    So, for now, they still exist. I don’t know how or at what cost, but they still exist. I wouldn’t go back there for all the money in the world tho, I’m pretty sure the corporate culture is still toxic af.

  • I used to work IT at a company that leased electronic stuff to the general public. Oh boy were they shitty. Keep in mind, this is in a Western European country where employees and customers have actual rights.

    There was a general policy of harassment and intimidation. Sexual harassment obviously. The female staff was constantly “ranked”, outfits were loudly commented. By management.

    Sometimes you manager came next to you at 6:25PM. You’ve already been doing free overtime by then but utterly stupid management means sudden, unpredictable and hard deadlines. He would lit up a cigarette in your face and keep you until 10PM. Sometimes the deadline was so short and “important” people had to work until 5AM. For free (well, pizzas). And show up the next morning at 10 (instead of 9, woo).

    Managers kept threatening you to cancel your holidays the day before leaving if you didn’t do this and that. Sometimes people had to connect from their vacations to do stuff because they were “critical” for something.

    Money was a funny thing. We were constantly paid late. Sometimes more than 2 weeks late. Everyone who wasn’t an employee wasn’t paid at all. Not the rent, not the building staff (the toilets were FILTHY), not the contractors who remodeled the floor when we moved in, not the suppliers and especially not the IT contractors. I came in on day and found that I lost my entire team because their employers has never been paid.

    One day, they lost a major investor because they lent money to purchase stuff to lease, not burning it in massive management salaries. As a collateral, the investor left with the customer database. So they were back to square one. So, as a get-new-customers-quick tactic, they created dozens of too-good-to-be-true promotions, like giving out electric scooters for new subscriptions and the like. With of course zero intention of honoring them out, since there was no money.

    I could go on and on. Everyday there was new, shitty, borderline illegal stuff going on.

  • From a technical point of view:

    • Appimages are like MacOS .app programs. You download a random executable from a random website, that contains everything it needs to run. It’s the antithesis of the Linux way. Great for portability, awful for everything else. There are no automatic updates unless the developer explicitly bothers to implement them.
    • Snaps are like docker containers. Each snap also contains everything it needs to run, but at least there is a centralized update system.
    • Flatpaks are like another package manager layered over your OS. It manages its own dependency system isolated from your main dependency management. It updates its stuff pretty much like apt/dnf/pacman.
    • Native are managed through your distro’s package manager, obviously.

    From a feature/version point of view:

    • If you have a bleeding edge or quickly moving distro, native packages are fine if you want/need up to date software. Arch users shouldn’t need Flatpaks for example. The downside is that those packages are made by the distro’s maintainers so can be anywhere from untested pre-release software (happened in Manjaro) to extremely outdated (like in Debian oldstable).
    • Flatpaks/Snaps/Appimages are more and more maintained and packaged by their developers. It’s great for them as you only need to package once, all bug reports are on versions you control, and you don’t need to depend on a distro’s maintainer time and will to push updates to users. For stable distros users, this is theoretically the best of both worlds: a stable, tested OS with up to date user facing applications.

    From a philosophical point of view:

    • Appimages and Flatpaks are fully FOSS. Flathub is the dominant ways of distributing Flatpaks but anyone can create a competitor.
    • Snaps are distributed through Canonical’s Snap Store, which is not FOSS and is vulnerable to Canonical’s corporate meddling.

    My personal preference:

    • Flatpaks for GUI apps, native for CLI tools
    • Appimages as a last resort if it’s the only way to get a specific app.
    • Snaps never.

  • Do you like beer? Is is legal to home brew in your country? If both are yes, brew beer.

    It’s easy, it’s delicious, it gets cheap quickly especially compared to most microbreweries, you’ll always have a brew to share with friends without having to run to the store.

    Always brew with friends. You can drink beer and have fun on brew days. It’s much easier when there are 2-3 people around to lift stuff. You can delegate responsibilities. Share the cost of ingredients and the resulting beer. You can even “associate” and buy the hardware together. Trust me, you will never run out of volunteers.

    Go all grain from the start instead of going extract. Start with something simple with as few ingredients as possible like a stout or a pale ale to get the feel for it. Then brew more complicated but tried and true recipes. Then you can start and go crazy with your own recipes.

    And if anything goes off plan, RDWHAHB. Relax, don’t worry, have a home brew. It’s hard to make a truly exceptional beer, but if you follow most basic principles it’s even harder to fuck up so badly that you brew something truly undrinkable.

  • Film photography can still be pretty cheap compared to digital. Any prime 50mm-ish from the last 70 years will be at least decent to great, any manual camera from the last 50 years is will be good if working. A lot of East-Asian and Eastern European bodies and lenses from the 70’-90’don’t hold much value but a lot are very competent workhorses. A lot of (especially Japanese) “basic” lenses like the SMC Taks, most Canons and Nikons have gotten very expensive tho because nowadays people can easily adapt them to any MILC for that “vintage” look.

    Go black and white, buy a bottle of Rodinal (or any clone) and a film tank. They will both last forever.

    Good b&w film like Ilford FP4+ is getting expensive tho, but you can still burn through 50 rolls before reaching the price of a decent, entry level cropped frame DSLR or MILC. Double or triple that if you want a full frame digital camera.

    Plus, a full manual setup is an amazing learning tool, and having only 36 shots per roll force you to stop and think before shooting anything.

    Only potential problem is that scanning negatives can be tricky without buying a film scanner.