To accurately measure the size or location of something requires energy. The more precise the measurement, the more energy is required. The amount of energy required get the precision below the Planck length would literally create a black hole.
To accurately measure the size or location of something requires energy. The more precise the measurement, the more energy is required. The amount of energy required get the precision below the Planck length would literally create a black hole.
Not American enough. I need it in football fields.
My place of work has a pretty high rate of pronoun signaling and I’ve found it immensely useful. Not just for the usual androgynous names line Pat or Elliott, but also I work with people all around the world, how would you refer to Jung Bae? Judging by the number of foreign people who have never seen my name, I imagine it goes both ways. And, yes, I also work with a number of nonbinary and trans people so of course it helps there too.
Some people refer to everybody, even those they know, as they/them and I honestly kinda like it. Been considering taking that habit on myself.
I wouldn’t base your decision on what Lemmy says. They’re pretty unreasonably salty about the game. Reviews from players are very positive and the game’s only $23 right now.
If “casual” and “relaxing” are dirty words for you, then it probably isn’t up your alley. It’s certainly not going to be intense and action packed (though it does have its moments). But it’s a good game if you, like me, sometimes get tired of the sweaty online shit, crunchy brain melting games, and the overall weight of life in the real.
My wife and I watch a lot of sitcoms before bed, often from the 00s. One had at least one anti-gay joke per episode. In one of the middle seasons, they had an episode where a character makes a gay friend and has to deal with their discomfort around gay people. Then the next episode, they’re back to gay bashing. Wild times.
Nah but here’s the real staggering part. It should be far easier for universes to form locally conscious beings than it is to form all the pieces necessary to naturally evolve conscious beings. These would mostly be very short-lived arrangements of energy with no hope of surviving but certain arrangements would even have false memories, making them believe that they have existed far longer than they actually have.
They may even have false memories of living on earth.
They may even have false memories of your exact life.
And they would be, by far, more common than any form of actual sustainable life. It is vastly more likely that you have experienced this post as a false memory created inside one of these short-lived consciousnesses than for any of this to be real.
There’s no good party for most people but that doesn’t stop many of them from demanding better from their parties. The story, though, is about how Christians are demanding their religious leaders change rather than demand better from their politicians.
I don’t mean to imply that Christianity is progressive. But how a person reacts when politics is at odds with their religious beliefs is illuminating. Do their political beliefs follow from sincerely held religious beliefs? Or do they contort their religion in service of their political beliefs? For much of the religious right, it’s clearly the latter.
It is definitely telling that when conservatism has come at odds with Christianity, so many Christians have chosen to abandon Christianity instead of abandoning conservatism.
I work at a pretty progressive company (comparatively but definitely not perfect) and DEI there has nothing to do with preferential treatment, nor does it need to be.
The fact is that if you want to hire the top X people in the labor market, but your hiring and business practices exclude, say, half of that market, you absolutely will not get the actual top X. You will have to reach deeper into your half and be forced to pick people that are less qualified and/or capable.
So DEI, at least where I’m at, is about widening that pool so that you can actually get top talent. That means reevaluating your business practices to figure out why you’re excluding top talent. Maybe your recruiters always go to specific colleges for recruitment and certain websites. Maybe just the way they’re talking to candidates is more attractive to a certain type of person. Maybe you’ve got hiring requirements and an interview process that is not actually predictive of success. Maybe candidates are looking for some benefit that you’re not offering. Everything needs to be looked at.
For example, “Women just want more flexible working arrangements so that’s why we can’t get them” is something I hear often. Well, have you actually evaluated why your company is so inflexible? Is it actually necessary? Or are your executives a bunch of people who learned how to manage in the 20th century and haven’t changed since then? Maybe there are things you can do to enter the 21st century and make room for more women, not just because they’re women, but because you gain access to people who are actually better at their job than the ones you’ve had. Not every company can be supremely flexible, of course, but the number of times that inflexibility is actually necessary of much smaller than its prevalence.
The demographic breakdown of your workforce is a quick and easy weathervane to help figure out how these efforts but of course they’re not everything. Diversity comes in maybe forms, not just skin color and genitals. But in my company they’re used in a backwards looking manner, to see how new policies are working, not for quota filling and preferential treatment.
The exact temperature of 32 is not usually that important when it comes to weather because the amount of heat in the ground or water and the difference in temperature of the atmosphere impact whether or not snow or ice forms. It’s not like everything freezes over when the temperature dips below 32. You need the lows for the day to go into the 20s usually.
The American people are pretty fickle. It won’t take long for them to become unhappy with the Republican party. Of course once that happens and you and I are celebrating “Yay! We got rid of the fascists!” they’ll be going “Hmm… These other guys are pretty uninspiring. Maybe we should try fascism again.”
* There’s a big asterisk here that this is all predicted on elections continuing unabated. Which is not a given.
I feel like this one is going to fly over a lot of heads. Bravo.
I think when you consider the rate of advancement of any technological species, “roughly the same level as us” basically implies that they got started at exactly the same time. Even an extra thousand years of technological advancement would put them far ahead of us. A million years would put them unimaginably far ahead.
On a cosmic scale, that’s nothing. That’s a tight window and given the like 8 billion years that planets with the required elements have had to form, I would doubt that no other species had a chance to surpass us.
Maybe a helpful visualization is one of the precursors to quantum field theory, Dirac’s sea.
The idea is that you can think of a particle as sitting on top of the surface of the “sea” while an anti particle is represented by a hole in the surface, large enough to fit one particle. When a particle encounters such a hole, it naturally drops down into it and settles there. This essentially “destroys” both the particle and the hole (the anti particle).
So essentially the opposite charge, spin, etc of a particle and anti particle are a consequence of their opposition in their fields, not the cause for the annihilation.
(Not a scientist, grains of salt and all that).
I mean, Agile doesn’t really demand that you do or don’t use tickets. You can definitely use tickets without scrum.
Just a SWE baffled by people who have no idea what they’re talking about farming upvotes by demonstrating “The Internet is a series of tubes” levels of cluelessness.
Yes, I’m sure the phds and senior SWEs/computer scientists working on LLMs never considered the possibility that arbitrary code execution could be a security risk. It wasn’t the very first fucking thing that anybody involved thought about, because everybody else but you is stupid. 😑
One of the biggest areas of ongoing research is about incorporating data from outside systems, like databases, specialized models, and, other specialized tools (which are not AI based themselves). And, yes, modern models can do this to various extents already. What the fuck are you even talking about.
Because the uncertainty in the measurement is related to the wavelength of a photon used to make the measurement and smaller wavelengths (higher frequencies) lower that uncertainty but are more energetic.
PBS Spacetime has an excellent video on this very subject.