have done. do recommend.
have done. do recommend.
there’s some simple crafting one where you just have to complete a few activities I haven’t done before 50 times each, and I just leveled up my crafting with this achievement, so I’ll be doing that, ice sculpting, underwater basket weaving, and tinkering.
I only have one easy and three normal achievements left and then I’ll be moving on to hard and extreme achievements.
it’s in closed beta, and they have periodic rounds of registrations. so you can apply for registration, and then when you get invited, you can register.
it’s all on the walkscape website.
China and Saudi Arabia still pay 3 to 6K US a month, and it’s even easier to get a teaching job in those countries than japan(taught for a while myself, so I like checking the salaries every now and then)
I agree, he should get out there.
Woo! thanks for the share, that’s a good video, good song.
hey, the commenter Snowstorm Is the only comment I see here that is accurate. following those steps is the best way to show romantic interest in someone.
traveling to Asia is like 300 bucks, and hostels are $4 a day. food is a dollar a dish, and you can hang out in parks at the beach or at home and watch movies all day.
living abroad is much cheaper than what you’re paying now.
you said you save most of your paycheck.
If you have a few thousand saved, you can easily live abroad for a year and figure out something you like to do more than a job that sucks around a bunch of people that you don’t like in a situation that’s making you depressed.
whoa, cool, thanks.
another one of those things I never thought of but of course it exists.
I’m still using jerboa, I really like how simple it is.
but I haven’t tried the others because when I joined there weren’t really any others, so I’m not sure if I can call it my favorite?
jerboa is my favorite so far.
Since you don’t want a story, I suggest a train-specific travel book rather than a novel.
you’ll get the highest concentration of train lore with travel books. Any novel will be focused on a story, with the train as a set piece rather than the focal point.
Amazing Train Journeys, Ticket to Ride, around the world in 80 trains, The Big Book of Trains, there are lots of train travel books to choose from.
haha, yeah that pretty much covers it.
nope, that’s incorrect.
you asked if Andrew Tate is a “transright activist”
I explained exactly how he is not a trans rights activist, since he seeks to abolish rights for the trans community rather than establish and expand trans community rights.
you are now asking if Andrew Tate is an activist for specifically alpha males, his chosen gender identity.
that is correct, he is an alpha male zealot.
I know that.
those cis men are declaring their new gender identity.
as is their right.
no, your correlation is free association rather than logic, but in the way that Mengela was by definition a progressive scientist, I can see how you came to that idea.
Tate isn’t a trans activist because trans rights activists work to expand the rights of the trans community, while Andrew Tate is focused on consolidating power and removing rights from the trans community.
some humans declare a new gender identity for themselves: “alpha”, and perform their new gender identity.
“alpha males” are transgender.
what is the government not cascatelling us?
got it, thanks