I’d do a chargeback and sue them for fraud.
Sounds like the really unpleasant sibling of the tampon.
The words “piss-stained lying sack of shit” are thrown around a lot these days.
Noch unter rot-grün-eiter, oder dann unter schwarz-blau?
Or, let’s be honest here, the graveyard.
If their aim is to kill as many Americans as possible, they are doing a superb job. By that metric, Trump is the best president of all times.
Fuck anything less than LGBTQIA+. Throw those nazis under some cybertruck abomination.
A friend of mine got sent to a conflict zone (Kosovo) during his mandatory service. Sure, nothing much happened, but it could’ve.
Join the military, die for your (oil) billionairs! Its an honor!
To be honest, wireless support in Windows has been shite, too. Terrible, unusable junk. Difference is that Linux has improved 🙃
Was gibts zum Mittag?
In Germany, you can’t even buy eggs from cage farming anymore.
Should add “BSC, SSC”.
As in bronze swimming certificate, silver swimming certificate.
Wenn es zu einer stabilen Koalition ohne Einbeziehung der AfD kommt
Glaubt daran noch einer? Brennmaterialmauer steht.
Brutaler Farbanschlag - dass dabei keiner ums Leben gekommen ist, grenzt an ein Wunder!
Manchmal frage ich mich echt, warum man noch freiwillig GEZ zahlen sollte.
It is either that, or giant ant women from the planet arseholia.