Socialist Mormon Satanist. Socialist Workers Party Kopimist. Debt-free. Alcohol-free. Drug-free. Caffeine-free. Work-free. Over 45,000 downvotes hurled at me for refusing to kneel and vote for the capitalist Duopoly. Despite the attempts to silence me, I’m still here. I won’t be stopped.

  • 265 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2024

  • So this doesn’t get lost deep in the thread. In the thread, OP is accusing me of using someone else’s name. Saying how terrible I am for it.

    This is a section of my reply to him. Which of course he refuses to comment on:

    The parody account of me, copying my username was made several days ago. The SatansMaggotyCumFart parody that you are falsely accusing me of was just made around the time of this fucking post. The dates are right there in the profiles.

    And the Satans parody uses the same exact wording in the profile as the parody of mine. AND the guy is STILL posting to my communities. I haven’t banned him yet, because I don’t care. But you fucking lying about this is suspicious as hell.

    Dude, you got some more info you wanna share with this thread? Doesn’t seem you are being fully transparent here.

    Why is someone copying me never mentioned, but you are trying to blame me copying some SatansMaggotyCumFart all of a sudden. And it was done right around the time this OP was made?!

    Here’s the “parody account” of me (really just a bad imposter), that I requested get banned. And it DID get banned finally just today. Notice the wording is the EXACT OPPOSITE of my real profile and it’s also the wording used on other people’s fake profiles. It has been up for several days:

  • SPECIALLY if they are names that already belong to people. Double bullshit there.

    I haven’t done that though.

    Copying section from end of my reply to here for people who don’t want to read it all:

    The parody account of me, copying my username was made several days ago. The SatansMaggotyCumFart parody was just made around the time of this fucking post. The dates are right there in the profiles.

    And the Satans parody uses the same exact wording in the profile as the parody of mine. AND the guy is STILL posting to my communities. I haven’t banned him yet, because I don’t care. But you fucking lying about this is suspicious as hell.

    Dude, you got some more info you wanna share with this thread? Doesn’t seem you are being fully transparent here.

    Let me get this straight. So someone has created parody accounts of me. And that’s fine with you. Someone created parody account of SatansMaggotyCumFart, and you automatically think I did it?

    This sounds super sus to me. Why would it be ok for someone to make parody accounts of me. But not anyone else. And if it is done for someone else, you blame me?

    Also, you never mentioned this in your first comments in this thread about me, nor the OP post.

    This sounds super suspicious to me. Not only that, but the dude modified the original graphics used from my profile. And used the wording that is opposite of everything in my profile.

    AND I pointed this out and did a screen cap. Yet YOU all of a sudden are saying, “Oh look! He copied SatansMaggotyCumFart name.” Which I haven’t done. And I have no reason to, because as you said, I have multiple alts of my own name.

    So why don’t you throw all this down right here in this thread so everyone can see?

    Why is someone copying me never mentioned, but you are trying to blame me copying some SatansMaggotyCumFart all of a sudden. And it was done right around the time this OP was made?!

    The parody account of me, copying my username was made several days ago. The SatansMaggotyCumFart parody was just made around the time of this fucking post. The dates are right there in the profiles.

    Dude, you got some more info you wanna share with this thread? Doesn’t seem you are being fully transparent here.

    I’d like the admin of these instances to look into this matter. You can call me an asshole troll all you want. But I haven’t ever lied.

    Here’s the parody account of me, that I originally posted and that I requested get banned. And it DID get banned finally:

  • Fair point! I have just spent all day arguing against people trying to get me banned from the fediverse. So I guess I left the blinders on.

    In this very sub, there was a post yesterday: “TrumpsTruth, Conservatism, TheNewDonald, what’s happening on this instance? Is this a thing?”

    And it’s around 60 comments of people telling me how much they hate me, and calling out admins to ban me! So my joke was mostly to them. And a few months before that a thread, “TrumpsTruth, Conservatism, TheNewDonald, what’s happening on this instance? Is this a thing?”

    I spend so much time being yelled at that I forget that I’m actually not that well-known. It come because from comments of, “Everyone hates you!” and “Your name is everywhere.”

    Good to know that it’s not everywhere. Maybe then they can shut up about how I have ruined the Fediverse and should be banned…

    Thanks for calling me out. Edited.

  • However, would it be out of place for me to recommend a way of approaching fascist or conservative stories in the future to avoid the fire extinguisher?

    Not out of place at all, friend. I appreciate your concern.

    But I gotta be upfront, and I don’t want you thinking that I disregard anything that you are saying. Because I DO appreciate you, and in fact, envy your thoughtful nuance and educated responses.

    But I don’t take Lemmy that seriously. I just don’t.

    Lemmy didn’t change the election. Lemmy didn’t affect the election. Nothing I say or have said affected the election.

    We are legit a small community of nerds who argue about shit online.

    That’s as far as it goes for me. Yes, I think conservatives should be able to speak here. Yes, I think Lemmy should be more open to diversity of opinions.

    But no, I won’t overthink my approach to it. I’ll create a conservative community here and here, and contribute posts to them. From news orgs.

    I just freakin’ cut and past link of something I read that’s interesting. That’s it.

    I don’t ragebait, because I don’t have any intent to enrage. The fact that people get enraged is on them, not me. I don’t know why people even click on the links if they hate the headlines so much.

    And if they DON’T click on the links, then they really shouldn’t get so mad. Just ignore me, move on. I know it’s possible. I ignore lots of people on Lemmy. lol

    I do wish there were more people like you on here though. I enjoy your comments, even if I don’t necessarily agree with all the points made.

    Friend, you are much smarter and nuanced than I am.

    And I appreciate that about you!

  • Just because Trump won that doesn’t mean your boss is going to stop astroturfing and trolling, manufacturing consent is a full time job.

    Who’s my boss? Friend, I’m retired. lol

    Not to mention the near constant engagement.

    Ohhh, you mean replying to people who ask me questions or talk shit to me. So replying to people makes me evil somehow?

    Your patterns are easy enough to see for anyone who wants to dig through your comments (or your old ones at least, I’m not interested in going through your modern ones to see if you guys got better at your job)

    So let’s show them. Let’s see some examples.

    And let’s say that one day I DID decide to turn conservative (which hasn’t happened), that’s not against the law nor is it against Lemmy’s rules. Lemmy is not a liberal/left-only entity.

    Heck, even if I DID vote for Trump, still not against the law, nor is it against Lemmy’s rules. Lemmy is not a liberal/left-only entity.

    Besides, I votes socialist anyway. Which got me banned from .world. LMAO and no regrets, baaabby!

    I’ll vote that way next election too. :)

  • Is that you openly admitting to ban evasion

    It’s not ban evasion because I don’t post on instances or in communities that I have been banned from. Ban evasion is coming up with an alternative name in order to CONTINUE to post to communities that one was BANNED FROM.

    I don’t do that. If an instance bans me, I don’t post to that community.

    Dude, think about it. I kept the SAME FUCKING USERNAME! If I wanted to evade a ban, I’d choose a different name. I mean, pretty easy to catch me if I’m using the same fucking name, right?!

    The fediverse is the way it is in order to prevent small groups of people from controlling the narrative.

    Which is what you are trying to do. You don’t like what I have to say, so you think I should be banned.


    Give me an example of something I have said or posted that is deserving of a ban. Go ahead. Post it here. And you can’t use anything said on .world, because I was banned from there and never have posted there since (and I stand by everything I said when I was there, by the way.).

    So come on, friend. Post an example here in this thread of something I have said or done that is ban-worthy. I don’t ban evade. I have never posted anything racist (I’m bi-racial.) I’ve never posted thing transphobic or anti-gay (I’m bisexual). I’ve never advocated for violence–in fact I have called others out for advocating it and in fact reported them.

    I post news articles that you don’t like. Which by the way are created by MAJOR PUBLIC popular news orgs.

    So come on, show me a post that you think is ban-worthy. In this thread. For all to see.

  • And I appreciate you saying that. Read the whole thread. You’ll find yourself in the minority when it comes to your banning opinion.

    Now as for sad and lonely, then again, I’d argue that there is nothing to fear by having me be here.

    Also for context, I’m retired early, I’m fit and healthy with a gf and a social life that is more active than I would prefer. There is nothing sad or lonely about my life.

    I like the idea of Lemmy. I like posting on Lemmy. And I think all points of view (as long as legal) should be allowed.

    I don’t take any of this shit seriously though. lmao I even have a selfie on my slrpnk instance of my name in a workout community I started.

    The other people in this thread need to take shit less seriously though. lol

  • But it doesn’t add any energy, any thought, any creative juice, to the human mix.

    No, you mean you personally don’t THINK that it adds any of that. I realize that the majority of Lemmy’s are not conservative. But there are conservatives on Lemmy and they DO appreciate me, and I’ve gotten DM’s from them. But they are afraid to be public about it.

    Is that really what you want Lemmy to be? People afraid to voice their real opinions because of bullying?

    Let’s say this became a Twilight Zone episode. And suddenly overnite, Lemmy was majority Conservative.

    And they said, “Guys, we should autoban anyone who is liberal or a Democrat. They’re all trolls.”

    Now first off, you’d think, “of course conservatives are like that, they hate different opinions.” Then you’d be pissed.

    Guess what? You all are the conservatives in this Twilight Zone episode.

    Take every comment in this thread and switch out the words “conservative” with “liberal” or “leftist.” And see how hateful ti seems. Even tho you only changed the specific words.

    I’m not a troll.

    People here don’t like me. Cool. But that doesn’t mean I’m a troll.

    I don’t post to make them hate me. I post, and they hate me. Big difference.

    It’s intent.

    I would be more than happy to be ignored. But that doesn’t mean I should get banned.

    I mean, let’s face it. If I get banned, I could be back in 10 minutes with a totally different name. So it’s not the actually banning, it’s the principle.

    And I will keep fighting for that principle. Ban or no ban.

    I’m retired. I have all the fucking time in the world to argue.

  • I agree that conservatives are not necessarily fascists. It’s just that fascists have historically loved spitting into the same cup as conservatives and happily drinking the cup together.

    Ok, now I can accept that opinion.

    Conservatives have, historically, been more than happy with the censorship

    I’m seeing LOTS of Lemmy leaning that way. Just look at this thread. People are saying I’m a conservative so I should be banned. For posting links to news articles from major news orgs. Which if people just blocked c/conservative and c/politicsunifltered, they wouldn’t see anyway. Not to mention that no one is making them click on the links.

    I am not pro-fascist. I am pro-speech. I don’t think I should be banned for posting a news article about Trump, from APNews to a c/conservative community.

    I think you and I, agree on more stuff than we disagree on. I actually voted Socialist Workers Party, and I created and mod Socialst Workers Party communities, run a mastadon instance for them and their account.

  • Of course, looking at the member numbers, doesn’t look like any of them are taking you up on the offer for a safe place. I’ve heard the term echo chamber before, but you don’t even have enough people for that.

    So then it’s a win for you, right? I mean, I do my own thing and no one shows up. So cool

    So instead of trying to get me banned, shouldn’t you just be laughing that no one cares about me? No reason to start entire threads about me, since no one cares, right?

    No reason to be scared of little ole me. The guy no one shows up for.

    And if there is a place for conservatives, and no one shows up, then win-win for you. Because Lemmy’s can say “Hey we don’t discriminate, there are places for conservatives!” And since no one goes there, then you don’t have to worry about it.

    So no reason to be upset with me, right?

    I just talking into the void to an audience of one. Right?

    Shouldn’t the tone of this thread be, “hahaha Universal Monk is nothing! Look, no one is listening to him! How pathetic!” instead of "He’s dangerous, we gotta get rid of him. He’s ruining Lemmy!"


  • We can still tell you’re multiple people running the account, buddy, your multiple speech patterns give it away.

    Because not all the accounts are me. There is a concentrated effort to get rid of me. So there are imitators. But as for me, just me. And there are not multiple speech patterns.

    I seem to remember you saying that when I was on .world too.

    you also haven’t been trolling c/politics

    Because I was banned there. So I have never posted there. If I were trolling or if I were a group of people, wouldn’t I just come up with an alternative name and continue posting there?

    Expecially if I were “multiple people.” Dude, you wanna hate, go for it. But at least use logical arguments about why you think I’m an asshole.

    What would be the goal of a “team” of me. Election is over. And Trump won by such a large margin that even if all the third party voters (which I advocate for) had voted for Harris, she would have still lost.

    So what would be a purpose of a “team” of me. Please tell my your theories.