• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I abandoned you all because I couldn’t get exactly what I wanted, but it’s totally not my fault that countless other morons did the exact same thing as me.

    Man, you’re almost qualified to be a Republican senator with those mental gymnastics.

    Edit: allowing fascism to win because the alternative isn’t good enough is extremely counterproductive and pushes us further away from a society that actually works for everyone. It’s a trap that far too many people fall into and I’m goddamn tired of it.

  • Little one bonked into a glass door from what I know, and after noticing, I took the time to provide shelter and warmth until it was ready to fly away to a nearby branch - maybe 40 minutes? Enough time for me to take my work break and then a few extra to tell anyone with complaints to shove off. Just a gentle touch at the tail feathers and she walked right on.

    The glass door is at an alleyway, so I don’t think the bonk was very hard. Unfortunately I was on the clock, and don’t have any knowledge of how to recoup birds, so I did the best I could.