Large presences are not really all that necessary. A presence that is in the way and a reason to respond if they are harmed already goes a long way. At least if our government doesn’t cut defense spending again…
Large presences are not really all that necessary. A presence that is in the way and a reason to respond if they are harmed already goes a long way. At least if our government doesn’t cut defense spending again…
Absolutely agree, I think what Trump and his henchmen are doing will ultimately be good for the EU, whether that’s their intention or not. (I think it’s not btw.) What he seems to completely ignore is that it undermines their influence.
If Europe now bets on it’s own chips, military tech and strength, currency, etc., this means the US loose economic and geopolitical weight. And on top of that, the perception of the US as an unwavering ally is lost. The US are now perceived more and more hostile. This means he can expect more opposition from the EU when he tries to do whatever random shit he comes up with.
He’s so incredibly arrogant, he thinks everyone is so dependent on the US that they can’t refuse them anything, now and forever. I’m not sure I’d want to take that bet while I don’t have to.
Bruno Mars wäre ein fantastischer Name, um mit Schokoriegeln zu influenzieren. Aussehen tut er aber eher wie Spardolf Dickler (wobei zweiteres sowohl Deutsch als auch Angelsächsisch gelesen werden darf)
Of course it’s a construct, you constructed or at least parroted it. It is connecting two unrelated topics as if they where connected, i.e. the US vice-president supporting a facist party and the German chancellor speaking out against it, and the current German government tolerating a facist government in Israel.
At most you can point some the hypocrisy here, although I would to point out that there are politicians who spoke out against Israel, our foreign minister included, and that the situations are completely different. One is about foreign interference in elections and the other is basically about arms deals and inaction.
What is even the point of connecting these topics? Government bad, better vote facist?
I see whataboutism, I downvote
Pretty much the standard in all of Germany except the water is usually better than any you can buy
Guter Hinweis! Ich langweile mein LLM allerdings auch nur mit Fragen zu Programmierung und Linux x)
Jokes on you, I got mic and cam on a physical USB-switch. So unless I go in “conference mode”, your attack is futile
Schöner, heißer, schwarzer, heißer Kaffe… Scheiße!
Hypothetical question! Does this mean a gamma ray burst could end our misery soon?
I said you can use a bidet. Or have a poopy butt and live in denial if you prefer
You should consider wet wipes. They are a total game changer, if a bidet is not an option. When you think the worst is gone, use one (1). Then dry with normal paper afterwards. It’s great.
Don’t flush them before making absolutely, 100% shure they decompose tho! If you can’t easily tear them with your hands, no matter what the packaging says, they will fuck up your plumbing. This can get really expensive, so when in doubt, use a trash can.
Before I’d buy something like a 5090, I’d definitely swap out that entire platform. There are AAA games where you’ll definitely end up CPU limited before you reach anywhere near 120 FPS. Spending 2k for 60 FPS feels wrong imo. Even if you take it to 120 or 240 with frame gen, you’ll get a worse image in return and then why even bother with 4k?
soll man jetzt lieber auf gedeih und verderb seine agenda durchziehen oder soll man anerkennen, dass es bei der migration probleme gibt?
Ich denke das, womit man am besten Anfängt, ist anzuerkennen, dass die meisten Probleme bei der Migration nicht von Migranten, sondern dem Prozess stammen.
Angefangen dabei, dass man hier ankommt und zunächst nicht mal legal Böden schrubben darf, um Geld zu verdienen, endend dabei, dass du dich selbst nach Jahren nicht drauf verlassen kannst, überhaupt bleiben zu dürfen.
Eine Änderung im Asylrecht mit dem Ziel, dass man deutlich schneller Gewissheit hat, wäre (traurigerweise) schon was wert. Angefangen vielleicht bei “wer arbeitet und einen Einbürgerungstest schafft, darf in jedem Fall bleiben”. Und ja, ich weiß, Einbürgerungstests sind aktuell auch fragwürdig, aber anderes Thema.
I meam, this is true, but labeling all modern conservatives fans of monarchy is disingenuous. There are also fans of unregulated capitalism, racism, facism und probably many other -isms going around!
If you don’t also want to afford a rather expensive CPU and a good 4k monitor, I wouldn’t worry about it in the first place.
A decent HDR (VESA HDR 1000 or better), high refresh rate (120Hz+), 4k monitor makes a bigger difference with a good-enough GPU. Although that is also to be taken with a grain of salt, because many games don’t support HDR and some don’t even 4k or more than 60 Hz
This is cursed af :d
The answer my friend is pasta. It’s also something to nibble on if you are bored after your drink. Pasta straws are the best
I mean, they just recently released good stuff. I’d recommend to keep doing that now
I’m waiting for that one guy explaining how sex with spiders isn’t all that bad