It’s like fiber rollout. Won’t happen except for the rich neighborhoods meanwhile the telcos take all the money meant to help them roll it out nationwide and spend it on infrastructure except fiber.
It’s like fiber rollout. Won’t happen except for the rich neighborhoods meanwhile the telcos take all the money meant to help them roll it out nationwide and spend it on infrastructure except fiber.
Gray pipe
DOSE, dept of Sony efficiency
The crack of his ass is big enough
Everything. Became president Orange
But its jsut one bad apple /s
Disney exec: we need to do something!.. (adds more ads)
How many cup holders does this chariot hold?
And you can’t eat them all! My empire of eggs
Ima download it even harder now
I got a chubby
The gutter prostate
Being run by snowflakes
We should bakc everything onto pirate bay
This is not at all worrying /s
Debbie does dallas