Und statt den Leuten in der Innenstadt ein paar Minuten längere Wartezeiten abzunötigen, werden Außenbezirke einfach komplett abgesägt? Habe ich das richtig verstanden?
Und statt den Leuten in der Innenstadt ein paar Minuten längere Wartezeiten abzunötigen, werden Außenbezirke einfach komplett abgesägt? Habe ich das richtig verstanden?
Da würden mich mal die Fragen interessieren, an denen sie festmachen, was sie als “antisemitisch” bezeichnen. Da gibt es durchaus die Neigung, Kritik am Vorgehen der Israelischen Regierung und der IDF (Völkermord, Kriegsverbrechen in Gaza) pauschal als “antisemitisch” zu brandmarken.
It would have been news if he had produced a coherent reply. Incoherent is nothing new. That’s what he does from the moment he wakes up until he falls asleep.
A lot of people would be OK with Trump being deported.
Germany to the US (California). An order for a software update.
Is a user has a good experience with windows, this user needs his or her head examined. Alternatively, put this user behind glass and exhibit him or her in a museum.
How much would it cost them just to keep their own store running? Could not be much on a virtual machine with no content changes. And they won’t need exorbitant capacities. There will be no download waves just because a new game gets on the market, after all.
Of course we are paying more. But we live a way better overall life. Freedom to own guns or to do rampant racism does not feed or educate people, nor does it keep them healthy.
“Diagnostics” can be interpreted in a very, very wide range of meanings.
Bigger than his penis.
Yes, yes, we know about the Russian shadow fleet dropping anchors. They usually do this in the baltic sea to cut cables…
Never forget how much the GOP hates poor people.
So all he could get was a disco group way beyond the best before date, and a second class country girl?
University in my country for CS cost me boutish US$250 per six months, and this included a nearly state wide ticket for public transport and heavily subsidized good at the student cafeteria.
This is “Republican America First”.
It’s actually a quite good game. I hope to get mine signed by Irving Finkel. Sadly, he was not in when I bought a replica at the British Museum.
I’ll take Divine Powers. I think the rest will then sort out by itself.
Hopefully the Americans will actually notice who ruined them…
Last time it was off was during the summer holidays.