They see trying to make white people the same as everyone else [because we are] as discrimination.
Hi I’m Tim.
I’m AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.
They see trying to make white people the same as everyone else [because we are] as discrimination.
As long as it’s working for white people. The second someone white [and hetero] is not above someone checking those boxes they have a HUGE problem with the government.
But this guy is in charge of the FCC, is he making the argument that they are breaking some broadcasting regulation by allowing non-white men in the media? If not, then he needs to look to another organization to make that case for him as staffing is not in his organization’s purview.
And I understand what he is trying to do, it’s the exact same racist argument they used to have the Supreme Court rollback affirmative action. It’s all white supremacist arguments, just no “white genocide” in writing, just implied.
Where is his authority to tell a public business it has to do anything about its hiring practices?
Trump’s EO basically just undoes anything positive, it doesn’t make anything new.
The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.
How does hiring practice have anything to do with what the FCC has power over? The government has departments for that, but it’s not the FCC.
Edit Typing = hard, Typing on mobile = tears
The hypocrisy that goes into all their messaging is just wild. 1. Kill capital police you are a political prisoner. 2. Your property gets raided by the FBI while your not even present (because your own lawyers negotiated the date/time) and you fuel the narrative they were trying to assassinate you.
And not to mention all the judges and clerks and courthouse staff he has put at risk and still somehow gets this “tough on crime pro police” messaging in the media without even an asterisk.
“Democracy in America is being destroyed by judicial coup"
Coup definition: “a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government.”
So, a federal judge putting the brakes on your dismantling of our government and its checks and balances is a “coup”? OK, does this mean we took the country back and we don’t have to worry about Musk or his VP Don anymore?
And if there is a judiciary in the US destroying our democracy it’s the Supreme Court, but oddly he has no issues with them.
Edit Spelling is my nemesis, and autocorrect is the enemy of my enemy, but I hate them both.
This is the 2nd high profile Democrat, as he pardoned that Gov. the other day. He is normalizing corruption, while painting the punishment as “witch hunts”. His administration is also working to roll back all bribery and ethics around people in office.
Draining the swamp indeed! /s
Should also be a visit to a cemetery to get a photo at a soldier’s grave, and while there also disparage said soldiers as “suckers”. Learn to commit white color crimes, which of course aren’t crimes at all if your white/wealthy, and should be called out as “political witch hunts”. And the most important item of all, is to learn to “deny everything!”.
Not sure why, but my memory of gravity bongs popped into my head and I was amazed to find a WikiHow. Although I remember people using a large bucket/tub and a whole 2-litter.
Almost as wild as the 5-6 footers people stood on chairs to hit at parties, and took multiple people to clear.
Edit yay insomnia
I think it’s just kinda frequency illusion.
And shy of being able to write his name on the application, a white guy lacking any qualifications. I’m glad they are all about meritocracy. /s
And the fact they are retaining pics of people’s genitals and you need to opt out by calling him. How long before someone cracks one open to share online? And what are the chances it gets just your genitals and not also your face in the frame?
This also sounds like it’ll be abused by ppl, that for some reason have really taken an interest in double checking that it’s “working right”, and just happen to be cacheing their favs to share with their bros.
Edit Didn’t even think about the fact I hope this shit isn’t anyplace kids are ever a likelihood. 🤢
*Edit Sorry missed the fake part - just seems totally plausible in the current climate in the US.
Exactly, and you saw a lot more antifa folks showing up during the BLM protests because they were countering the Proud Boys and other chuds. Since a lot of top ranking Proud Boys went away for J6, and BLM protests have stopped we haven’t seen antifa in the streets is all.
Silly goose, investigating the Dear Leader made them RINOs, which we all know is the same as the radical “Trump hating” Left.
But only if you’re white/“conservative”, everyone else needs to be held accountable and punished to the full extent of the law.
JD did the first post saying that being a racist piece of shit shouldn’t ruin the rest of your life. Which is especially sad because this kids racist rant was about violence against people from India should be ok (and his wife is Indian along with his kids).
Then the media asked Trump who of course pretended to know nothing and said if JD said he should have it back he should. Then Elon posted on his own platform that the kid was coming back.
Yeah, had to throw his kids and wife under the bus of racism so that Elon wouldn’t get mad. Poor JD ran as #2 and has been regulated to distant #3 already.
So your saying people really need a “Mel Gibson” to compel them to not vote for a Hitler (and this is post actual Hitler so we already know the playbook)? The fact that it’s even a debate for people is unconscionable for me. How is allowing a man looking to harm a large section of the American population even a choice? How do you not vote against him just so that you can at least know you tried to save someone, even if you yourself feel helpless and without hope. You at least didn’t help a man that is going to harm so many.
That’s the point that people are trying to make though. That’s the only thing democrats ran on. Everything we’ve done is great, everything is getting greater, if you’re not with us then things are going to go to hell.
OK, not the message I got, but I guess it’s probably different depending on the media you consume. In saying that though, what part of voting for a fascist did you [or those not doing great] think would improve overall?
That rings hollow when many people you know are NOT doing great, you do NOT feel anything improving and everything is getting slowly worse, oh and if you don’t vote for us you are gonna feel even worse we promise you.
The issue I have here is that Trump was not new to politics this time around.
And so, so, so much more.
All this is to say, what part of any of this wall of text would help someone hurting? What part of this hate would fix people not seeing an improvement to their quality of life? How would this make it easier for themselves or their neighbors? The guy didn’t come out of nowhere, people knew the kinda of terror he planned for all of us for 9+ years and for whatever reason chose Nazi over what probably would have been more “status quo”.
The numbers are scary.