Man I ate way too many mushrooms and cried after convincing myself I was autistic while listening to Dr Hook, but I didn’t cut off shit… this is right wing bait
Man I ate way too many mushrooms and cried after convincing myself I was autistic while listening to Dr Hook, but I didn’t cut off shit… this is right wing bait
I can’t believe they would allow blatant antisemitism on this website, how could you
OP you’ve never met a gay racist before? Cause I sure have lol
What about that elephant over there?
Oh him, that’s Kyle
I think it’s more about acknowledging that a lot of people are hyperbolic so they can be perceived as a victim. Anxiety is a real thing but some people act like it’s the peak of human suffrage for attention, and that is worthy of laughing at, not the anxiety itself
Well then stop paying for it homeslice
My body building friend is EXTREMELY happy to talk about his wow life haha
Ah yes, I remember how protest voting went in 2016
I always used to just put mine in the bin to support kids sports lol
That land is owed to Israel, it’s not an invasion and you’re an antisemite, or whatever Reddit said