Yeah even though I’m in the UK I will never eat US chicken. The reason they wash their chicken and eggs is because Salmonella is endemic to US poultry because their standards are so lax they’d rather chemical their chicken than fix the problem. 🤮
Yeah even though I’m in the UK I will never eat US chicken. The reason they wash their chicken and eggs is because Salmonella is endemic to US poultry because their standards are so lax they’d rather chemical their chicken than fix the problem. 🤮
Ah, so it stated that in the article or you’re a qualified psychiatrist?
Isn’t that the new album by The Midnight?
You know what’s even more convenient?
Scammers from poorer countries just targeting the elderly and retired in richer countries. You know, like they currently do.
What’s with the fear mongering about a system that’s been shown to reduce corruption? Do you like corruption? Do you like people cheating the benefits system?
Then do us all a favour and remove yourself, if you’re going to go full nihilist and hopelessness. If all you are willing to do is be inactive and continue to consume then we’d rather not have you around doing nothing but contributing to the problem.
Join the rest of us and DO SOMETHING! Fight for something you want, do you remember that feeling? Have you ever known it or have you always been this pathetic? And if you truly believe that there is no hope then why not end it all by taking out some of these polluting fuckers with you?! Don’t get depressed, get radicalised!!!
Now listen here you little shit…
I hereby propose the Lemmy Institute of Memetics where we will experiment with meme mutations and see which evolutions have the most mental stickiness and sharability.
Should we start a list of CEOs that should be exempt from Adjusting?
I’ll start:
So Timpsons as a store are a fantastic company that operate on what they call an “upside-down” management where employees have the authority to do whatever they think will deliver good customer service. They also go out of their way to employ ex-convicts to give them a good wage and any support they need to rebuild their lives with more than 10% of their workforce being ex-convicts.
James, specifically, has overseen incredible work with the Prison Reform Trust which works to improve prisoners access to education, mental health, push for alternative community focused punishments for less serious crimes, etc.
He’s now currently minister for Prisons and is actively looking at Prison Reform policies to ensure that reform works and the prison population is reduced so more prisons don’t have to be built.
What do you think?
It’s almost like the general populace NEED TO BE TAUGHT about what makes up the government and what it does.
Look, whatever political philosophy you ascribe to, you need to understand what government institutions exist and what they do so:
You can understand where your tax is being spent.
Which ones you should contact for the appropriate service or issue resolution.
When you start becoming politically aware, you can form opinions on how you think these functions should or should not be performed by your ideal institution (or individuals).
These institutions, like anything built by humans, need to be maintained, upgraded, remodeled, or replaced effectively for human society to continue to exist. You’ll have ideas about what ones, why, and how and we should get to hear about those ideas and discuss them.
That ONLY happens properly when people have at least some idea of what they’re talking about.
Else this is what you get; some unelected Muppet treating it like a spaghettied server and pulling random ethernet cables out and listening for what screams.
The easy way to be correct 80% of the time is to apply sexism.
I see some of you have never played Battleshits before.
Rules are as follows:
Two people enter a toilet cubicle each and proceed to try and shit.
The first one to shit wins.
If both players have shitted then the size of the shits is judged and the largest shit wins.
It is a puerile and crass game of speed, deception and defiantly not for the weak-stomached as I found out to my own detriment as a spectator.
This has been your daily reminder that we are all just slightly more evolved apes with access to the power of gods.
Sire, might I suggest you consult the scribes? They may have documented this happening before.
The gun culture in the US is derived from shooting trespassers on your property when it was a colony because the British learnt from the Spanish colonies it’s much easier just to get your colonists to do self defence rather than having to deploy your own army everywhere.
The whole “well organised militia” part of the 2nd was just the founding farthers fan-boying over Switzerland being a republic in a sea of monarchies. Might have started out that way, but as soon as the US had imperial ambitions outside of it’s own continent that requires a professional federally controlled military and therefore the militia model is obsolete.
So really the 2nd amendment as a means of securing personal freedom from tyranny was and has been not much more than a comfort blanket for libertarian-minded Americans.
Lifetime driving ban.
Sadly it is in one respect only: financial services.
And that’s the only reason why they’re interested; so the City (of London, not Greater London) has more freedom to invest into these AI start-ups and get their big payout when they grow large enough to move head office to the US.
Unfortunately these buffs don’t stack. And the effect only works when constructing large enough engineering feats where people have to look straight up to see the whole thing.
He looks like a ghoul.
UK here just saying that if you want a monarchy, we’ve got a decent one (as monarchies go) that won’t try to financially rape the peasants to death, we’ve moved past that now.
What say you Americans, ready to become Canada 2: Empire Boogaloo?