TheLastHero [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • TheLastHero [none/use name]@hexbear.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Future of AI
    4 months ago

    artists aren’t excused from technological proletarianization. Yes it hurts, you are going to get the value of your labor stolen by Disney and you will have to work in AI prompt generator mines. Billions of artisans, peasants and petty bourgeois in history have suffered the same indignity of being forced into wage labor. The bourgeoisie strips of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the writer, the scientist, into its paid wage labourers. Now it is the artist’s turn. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and humans are compelled to face with sober senses their real conditions of life, and their relations with their kind. So do not expect the bourgeoisie or their governments to provide you or or your occupation with special protections, they don’t care, they exist to make profit and they will crush you into dust as soon it’s profitable to do so.

    The solution is and has always been class consciousness followed by proletarian revolution. If there is any upside to proletarianization it is that more people are introduced into the only revolutionary class. Put your artistic talents to use and create some agitprop, but don’t expect to be paid for it. Every reward we get has to be fought for.

  • Don’t take it so personally. sure EVs have a role to play but if we’re to be serious about tackling climate change and environmental sustainability it’s going to require massive infrastructure redevelopment projects, not asking everyone to please swap to rechargeable batteries. It’s not about being “right enough” it’s about recognizing a non-solution and also on a policy level a blatant scam. All these EV subsides the liberal Biden administration is throwing out are an obvious hand out to the failing American auto industry to try to keep them competitive and desperate ploy to their quickly dwindling supporters for them to look like they’re doing anything worthwhile on climate change at all.

    Having every American buy a new electric car is just going to make a few auto executives rich as hell and not even reduce overall global emissions because those cheaper ICE cars that can’t be sold in America are just going to go to other parts of the world that don’t have EV infrastructure but have plenty of already existing gas stations. And there’s all the emissions of actually building the damn things. No, they need to put their money where their mouth is and build some fucking trains.

  • I hope he still had enough marbles rolling around up there by the end to recognize that the empire he helped build on a tower of blood and skulls couldn’t even keep their hard-won hegemony together for 25 years before falling off the rails. This was supposed to be the American Century, that was what it was all for- all the wars and barbarity our young nation eagerly embraced- so we could crack open the final peoples who still resisted Liberal Capitalism. The end of history some said!

    Instead we immediately fell for all the same classic blunders of other empires we supposedly learned so much from: decades long land war in Asia ending in humiliating failure, getting entangled with another fucking Zionist war in the middle east, neglecting our domestic population in favor of more imperialism so much that it creates lasting and rapidly deteriorating social and political instability. We created so much resentment there is now a worldwide, self-conscious, anti-hegemonic collation aligning against us. It’s going to be a rough, hard fall for America in the future. If he’s such a smart statesman like his friends say, than Kissinger must have realized this, though I doubt he had any regrets regardless.