Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2024


  • Exactly. Most people get into crime because their backs are to the wall. They’re stuck in debt due to medical treatments they had to get, they’re struggling to pay obscene rent prices and risk being kicked out their home - there’s plenty of reasons, and much of it is down to poverty.

    If you give people legitimate, easily accessible support nets that are enough to actually survive on, then you’ll get less crime. It’s rather simple.

  • In all fairness, the concept of owning things isn’t unique to capitalism - it’s Personal property vs. “Private” property. Whether it’s money or bartering, the things you bought you own via your own hard work, and that’s your personal property.

    Private property shouldn’t be a thing. A corporation shouldn’t own anything - there should always be a person on that contract that can be held to account. If you want to profit from your enterprise, you should be prepared to go down with it.

  • Unless Anon is willing to put in some serious work, like properly going back to school or busting their ass learning (and getting good at) a trade, then their life is kinda fucked.

    You can’t just crawl out of almost 20 years of NEETing into really any kind of job, especially without the charisma to at least try masking it.

    Also fuck knows why Anon’s parents just let them drop out of school and basically cease to exist outside of playing videogames for best part of two decades. That’s plain bad parenting.

  • For her part, the chancellor told BBC News that she thought “sustainable aviation and economic growth go hand in hand"

    As said in the article, the technology to reasonably decarbonise planes doesn’t really exist yet - so the only path to “sustainable aviation” is to reduce it to the point it can be properly offset by other decarbonisation efforts.

    That makes these two concepts almost entirely mutually exclusive without proper planning, and just slapping multiple airport expansions down then saying “It’s fine, we’ll plant a few trees at some point” doesn’t fucking cut it.

  • I’d be honest. Life is as much (if not more) about luck as it is skill.

    There are smart folks out there who have spent their entire lives working hard, probably made decent money, but will never be rich because an opportunity they were equipped to capitalise on just never arrived.

    By that same score, there are people who stumble onto or are born into opportunities for wealth that most people will never see by sheer happenstance.

    My only impression of him being that he enabled your wife’s cheating, I’d hazard a guess he was born into his opportunity - and while that doesn’t diminish his own efforts, its not a fair comparison to make. Apples to oranges and all that.