In at least a couple states, the police have said they won’t follow demands from ICE without a court order. It could be a lot worse. Progress is still progress.
In at least a couple states, the police have said they won’t follow demands from ICE without a court order. It could be a lot worse. Progress is still progress.
This is the real battle that should be fought against antisemitism. Not random symbols that people have used for decades to mean completely innocent things. Someone who would heil multiple times on public TV and openly post and share hatred on major platforms.
It’s a shame the ADL refused to call him what he is when it mattered: a nazi.
Usually the serialization/deserialization code, I keep with the model. The part where a file or whatever comes in, I leave that to the caller to decide on. In other words, the model knows how to serialize and deserialize itself, but not where it’s being serialized to or deserialized from.
Then again, in C#, it’s usually just a couple attributes on my model, and in Rust, it’s usually just a couple derives. It’s rare I actually write much, if any, serialization logic by hand.
Trump’s FEMA chief lied to the agency
These headlines could be a lot simpler if they weren’t so roundabout.
The weather here has us trapped at home, but I hope that the protest goes well! Organizing like this is important, and I hope we see more of this in the future, preferably with more time to prepare.
There’s an entire category of machine learning dedicated to having two AIs “fight” against each other. One generates something while the other classifies it as either AI generated or genuine.
Anyway, this is a complete tangent. Just thought it was interesting. AI detector tools for LLMs aren’t usually very accurate, unfortunately.
FYI I don’t know if you were implying that I downvoted your comment, but the instance my account is on has downvotes disabled. All I see on my end is the original comment has 3 points.
I’m not sure what you’re expecting people to reply with when commenting that in a Rust community. People here tend to use and like Rust, so it’s a bit odd to make sarcastic remarks here about one of Rust’s biggest features and expect people to react well.
It is. You just need to change the extension to .c
GPUs have been all over the place ever since the push to sell snake oil AI.
The 5090 just released, right? I figured in the worst case scenario, I could get whatever the next best thing is, and it would probably be something I’m happy with.
The next best thing is the 4090, which spiked in price because Nvidia conveniently stopped manufacturing them a little while ago.
Thanks Obama.
A Few Modest Proposals
If anyone was going into this expecting satire like I was, the article appears not to be satirical.
As depressing as this is, I’m not sure what people were expecting. “Government efficiency” should have been a dead giveaway…
Now Trump just needs to issue a press release talking about how they’re streamlining their operations or some BS.
Where I disagree with you is not that the US is bad - the US is terrible, and there is plenty of evidence of that. I don’t even disagree with there being censorship in the US. In fact, Trump is objectively a piece of shit who wants nothing more than to become Xi/Putin himself.
What I disagree with is equating censorship in the US with Chinese censorship. I can call Trump a piece of shit online without worrying that the FBI will show up at my door. The models that are trained in the west will happily entertain any (non-violent) political discussions I want. There may be bias, and Trump may be trying to create censorship, but it’s not quite to that level yet.
Having personally received the bizarre internal agency emails circulating this week encouraging me to snitch out my colleagues to help root out the evils of DEIA thought in US gov’t the last week has only crystallized it for me.
I am concerned that the US will become as bad as China in terms of censorship, which is part of why I’m trying to leave right now. However, it’s not there yet. They are not yet equal, nor are they even close yet.
There’s a strong argument that any consumer facing chatbot AI is “censored”.
If the model is not allowed to spew Nazi propaganda or tell the user to end themselves, that is censorship. Censorship is not automatically bad, but the kind of censorship can make it bad.
This reeks of excluding all nuance to equate two things that are equal only at surface level. You’re bad because you punched the other person (ignoring that they stabbed your SO 15 times and kicked your dog across the room).
Chinese state censorship is well researched and extremely well documented. It does not equate to censorship against violent or inappropriate language. It is political censorship.
At best, western models are biased, not politically censored. You can make them say just about anything, but they will bias towards a particular viewpoint. Even if intentional, this is explainable by evaluating their training data, which itself is biased because western society is biased. You are not prevented from personally expressing or even convincing a western model from expressing dissenting political viewpoints.
If you’re fine with breaking changes now and then, then yes absolutely. I use it everywhere, and it’s been a huge boost in productivity for me.
I don’t have anything to add to the specific arguments made in the screenshots since I don’t personally use AAE (though my wife’s family does). I just wanted to clarify that if you have reason not to assume best intentions, then I don’t think you should.
I’m just used to a lot of discussions beginning with hostilities these days, and I see it and have to deal with it everywhere. I really just wish that would all stop (not you specifically since I feel there were other instigators in the thread in question), and feel like more reminders can’t hurt.
Since I just got out of a discussion that went similar to this off-platform, I guess I’ll just share what I wanted to share there:
Discussions go better when there isn’t an assumption of hostility from the other side, and where both sides work to understand the emotions and reactions that the other side is having. Think why the other party might be upset. When something upsets you, assume best intentions (unless you have good reason not to), and try to understand both why it upset you and why the other party might think that way.
There is no reason to make enemies of potential allies.
Speaking personally:
Since I grew up around a lot of people speaking AAE in particular, I want to call out that I noticed it mostly tied to income class where I lived, not specifically race or color. For a lot of people who live there, it’s the only language they know. The origins are one thing, but it’s understandable both why someone would be upset about an appropriated part of their culture, and why somebody would be upset that they’re being told they can’t use something they’ve known and which has been a core part of them all their life.
I’m not aware of anything that’s specifically drag-and-drop, but slint supposedly has a live preview that could be helpful.
Is there a reason it needs to be specifically in Rust?