Wouldn’t look at Nexus Mods for such things. They’re sometimes weird or overly cautious about what’s allowed on their platform, and I’m pretty sure that graphically executing current-day public figures would kinda go in their taboo zone.
Wouldn’t look at Nexus Mods for such things. They’re sometimes weird or overly cautious about what’s allowed on their platform, and I’m pretty sure that graphically executing current-day public figures would kinda go in their taboo zone.
The voters blame Trump? PFFF Ha Hahaha ha ha ha hahahaha haha hahahaha ha ha ha! These voters need to look in a mirror.
This is the “expectation” of success. The “reality” of success is that the people we see as succesful never did their own laundry. Even Steve Jobs, who started out in a garage, had Steve Wozniak do his laundry.
Yeah I know. That was a, pretty hurrah moment for me. A Danish person on the floor of the EU, “… Let me use words you can understand. Mr. Trump, fuck off!”
But Denmark does have its more extreme elements, the kind of “Denmark first above all else” anti-European types.
Oh blegh. Guess that pretty much decided if I’m taking the key key or not.
Om going to get this one through Humble next month. Honestly not even sure I should bother with it then, as it has always looked like a flashy but bland fps.
I don’t think it’s phenomenal at all.
The gameplay is pretty interesting, a pretty nice puzzle platformer with a somewhat unique mechanic. Graphics are really nice too.
But the game is very short. And the story is pretty bad too. I wrote in the Steam forums about how this game is the perfect example why The Prime Directive exists in Star Trek.
If I didn’t get this game through Humble Monthly and bought it instead, I’d have been pretty disappointed.
This is the actual painting of King Mansa Musa of Mali. The source is the Wikipedia article on him. Notice the dark skin.
Either this guy photo edited the thing they posted and are lying, or someone else is and this guy fell for it.
Maybe a mod for Sniper Elite where you assassinate them…
Oh for FUCK sake! They really are all falling in line behind Musk, aren’t they?
… I need to find out if the Danish right wing parties are thinking of joining them…
Dumb and reductionist. There are actual nazis, but people seem to have forgotten what fascism and nazis actually are, so yes they do call anyone a nazi.
This only serves to water down the meaning of calling someone a nazi. And then when the real nazis show up, calling them out will have no impact.
Now, feel free to call me a nazi.
Lie down in a sun chair and read a book.
Vulcans didn’t always suppress their emotions.
Damn, that’s awesome! Thank you for sharing, this is going to be very useful to me.
Mario Odyssey, Civ 6, Crash Bandicoot N’Sane Trilogy. and Ascent.
Having lots of fun with these games. Still amazes me how switch emulation is so smooth on the Deck.
Come on Europe. Fuck this guy up before he fucks our continent up.
Zero Punctuation floated the idea it would be used in something like a, sequel to Mario Maker 2, with 3 using 3D environments.
Either way, this opens up Nintendo for a bunch of different genres again that weren’t really touched on since the NDS era, such as RTS games.
That’s a toy car before cars were a thing.