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Chatgpt is already blocked.
So you support full scale mobilisation of NATO to match on Moscow right? That’d end the war right quick.
Damn, I’m a criminal.
We’re not allowed to enjoy Harry potter anymore because Rowling is a mega TERF.
No one else has even the slightest chance of gaining any influence in Australian politics
Nonsense peddled by the majors because they’re scared of having to run a minority govt. Fuck them. Vote indie/minors.
I turn the lights on in the morning because “lmao I’m off at 3 to beat the traffic, suckers”.
I don’t have this drawer. I have several drawers organised by use. Baking, cooking, eating, etc. All are barely organised.
This is some “Japan has used panty vending machines” kinda shit.
These are the dodgy streaming sites laden with ads right? Not surprised they get shut down if they’re profiting of piracy.
Either or. Sony phones still cost and arm, a leg and your left kidney though.
They want to be part of the class that the law protects but does not bind.
This is how they do it throughout East and south East Asia. High density living, retail and office spaces around transportation hubs with rings of declining density till you get to suburbs. If each of these Westfields could be serviced by a train or tram, it would be perfect.
The first witcher game is classic eurojank. It took me 4 false starts to get through it. Witcher 2 was better and so was 3. Though 3 really laid the open world junk on thick and could’ve benefited from a bit of linearity.
Hey uh, this plan can get you sued under tortious interference. So remember to not brag about it. Also much better way is just to take up a noisy hobby like woodworking, drumming or fixing motorbikes.
I see “asked to” in the title. Why is the response not “no way, get fucked, fuck off”?
Mullvad accepts cash in envelopes as payment. That’s a good sign they care about privacy.
Seppo if they’re trying to be derogatory. Otherwise it’s just yank.
And all the community features for the consumers.
Yeah I don’t miss the days of trying to get a group to do Scarlet Monestary then running the gauntlet of griefing assholes.
The sound of an air pocket getting forced out of the vagina during sex. Essentially a pussy fart.