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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Hehe yeah, “Sure, you could buy perfect diamonds grown in lab conditions that are way prettier than anything we could offer for way cheaper, or you could buy our authentically dirty or broken diamonds to -prove- you paid way more money to anyone that looks close enough to notice. Won’t they be jealous of how rich you were”.

  • Edit: ah, most of my questions would of course have been answered by actually reading it…

    Yeah, but kind of a weird choice for first pick. Already not alot of PSVR2, and even fewer that have bought the dongle to use it for PCVR… how much crossover is there with PSVR2 owners and Apple Vision owners? I don’t even think sony sells just PSVR2 controllers separately, though you’d have to hope something like this would finally change that.

    Just weird when there are cheaper, more easily accessible and more widely manufactured options that can already be bought individually.

  • We are still mostly in the stage where it might be diplomatically avoided, but if it does start, yes, this will have been a small part of the start of it. Like the last couple of decades to varying degrees at various points. It’s still potentially avoidable, but honestly, in some places, it feels like it has already been going for a long time. Currently, they don’t count as part of a world war, but if a world war breaks out, they will then retroactively count as part of it. If everything settles down before getting to that point, then these will have been individual events that were largely connected to a similar crisis.

    It’s not like anyone knew at the time what day world war 1 and 2 started on the days we now consider them to have officially started. For world war 1, there was really no precedent. So they certainly would have had no idea on the day we consider it to have started. Used to take months to even find out 2 other countries were at war, let alone the time it took to them react to that information and muster up support or further opposition. World wars only really became possible once world-wide near instantaneous communication was available. I’m not sure how long it even took to coin the phrase “world war”, but they figured that would be the only time something like that would ever happen, considering not only the cost/rammifications, but how widespread word of how bad it was could be with such quick communication.

    No one would soon forget the various costs… but then we had a source of motivation that outgrew those costs. So world war 2. At least we knew what to call it this time. People were probably a bit less fuzzy on the day it officially started, but a lot of that would have to do with what country they lived in. And it still eventually mostly had to be hammered out by historians to really figure out what all should be considered part of it.

    So, it’s still a bit schroedinger’s WW3, all these events are in the box waiting to see what they will eventually be called once it’s time to examine the contents of the box.

  • It’s never been ok to pirate a console that is still on the market. Though, part of that is how rare it has been for emulation to be feasible for a current console. But either way, it has always been demonstrably illegal. And especially in the case of yuzu where they were completely flaunting and charging money to play games that weren’t even released yet. I honestly put most of Nintendo’s current war path on their shoulders. That’s not just riding the backs of giants, that’s climbing into their faces and flicking them… ask any insect, that is a good way to get yeeted to the ground and for the giant to stop tolerating the previously benign presence of the rest of the insects.

    Nintendo has definitely done some over reaches, but going after Switch pirates is not a good example of that.

  • Basically when not playing VR games, it’ll function like an upgrade to the steam deck. Instead of having to look at a screen attached to your hands, further developing the neck pain most people have nowadays from phone games and handheld gaming, you can sit comfortably instead, no matter where you are. And it’ll be able to stream games up to 4k, instead of the 1280×800 of the current steamdeck. When running flat games natively it might be restricted to 1080p, if not artificially, then at least practically.

    But it does also play VR games when you want that.

    An upside compared to other standalones is that it should be much easier to port older PCVR games to run on it natively. And there are a ton of good old VR games now that have stood the test of time that most people still haven’t gotten to try. And with a bit of work, a low settings version of half-life alyx could probably run natively now. Along-side a potential flat screen release of half-life 3. Who knows. Would be an interesting way to celebrate it’s function. Now that we have solid evidence that Half-Life 3 is actually nearing completion. And a ton of rumours linking it to a similar timeline as Deckard.

  • The main goal of deckard is more of a Virtual theater screen steam deck. It can also play VR games, but streaming(or playing locally) your flat games to your comfortable recliner is what it does best. The 4 face buttons are hugely important for that. As for the index control, there are so few examples of good ways to use the touch pads, and other headsets are doing full handtracking while holding the controllers completely visually now. So no need for expensive hardware built into the controller anymore, grip and trigger at perfect fidelity and the other fingers at hand tracking fidelity is more than enough. Hand tracking fidelity constantly improves with software updates, too.

    If this gets deckard down to a price people are willing to pay, good for all of us, even those of us that would choose to pay more, and odds are there might be a more expensive option too anyway. Maybe even the ability to just use index controls if you got them.