Ooh, good way to sow distrust among them. Tell them that those Americans want to meddle with our affairs.
Ooh, good way to sow distrust among them. Tell them that those Americans want to meddle with our affairs.
A bit flawed. What if the same prompts are used but both models are required to keep their responses equally brief?
30 people? And all that shortly before elections?
I feel like this might be extremely fishy. A false flag?
Briljant dit, hahaha
Misschien moeten wij het spelletje net zo vuil spelen als die fascisten. Wakker wantrouwen jegens fascisten aan en zorg dat de media breed uitmeten hoe fascisten, die claimen voor tucht te zorgen, juist ontwrichten wat het recht en de veiligheid inhouden.
Why should we give any inch to tech fascists?
Ooh, fascinerend. Is HERE WeGo offline te gebruiken en open-source? Halen zij de gegevens van OpenStreetMaps of iets vergelijkbaars?
OsmAnd of Organic Maps zijn dan ook beter.
Open source, in principe gratis en offline te gebruiken. En ook met beduidend minder tracking.
OsmAnd heeft meer features, maar is freemium, terwijl OM gestroomlijnder en gratis is.
Might need military protection from the EU as well.
Zo redelijk is Faber niet bepaald, vergeet niet haar eerdere uitspraken of corruptie. Of hoe Agema op Stormfront zat.
Good move.
Calling it: committed by a far right lone wolf. Just like BB and the murder of Jo Cox.
Vaneigens. Gebruikte Reddit, maar na het API-drama van die geldwolven ben ik ermee gekapt.
This is the concept behind ‘embrace, extend, extinguish’, basically.
Thank you king/queen/chief!
It’s good they’re now banned
I mean, proportional representation IS good. But it can be better.
Yeah sure. Didn’t you try to make a deal with the Alternative ‘Gas Chamber’ for Germany?
Do it. Bot spam them. They do that themselves so they can get fucked :)
Removed by mod
How about the man go stay at home too instead?
Seems a bit bad to only have one of the parents as role model. As a family person, you need both in a healthy household, provided that there’s no domestic violence, dependency, or intimidation.