I love my pixel 6a, except for this point.
Fortunately, I have no bad experience on it with USB c adapter and the jack glued to it 😁👌
FrenchMTF, Running Arch BTW,
Matrix : @tghost_fr:matrix.org,
I love my pixel 6a, except for this point.
Fortunately, I have no bad experience on it with USB c adapter and the jack glued to it 😁👌
Next step to full rock it > Arch… BTW
Regarding your usage, you’re family name is Stark.
Winter is coming,
Be prepared,
Hell no, there is no shame :D,
Emily would be proud of you !
Did Stardew Valley inspire you? XD
Well done !
That’s great.
logseq, with addons
(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎
Even better,
Maybe I will find a friend, owning a steamdeck, and play vastly for 5min.
Im 100% linux (no steamdeck), and i dont got this one on my year review then, apparently ^^"
I would have love a full purple circle tho,
Normally no.
I clearly did not understand that 😅😅
Oh yeah agree.
I was solo player back then with no internet in any case. Except for LANs.
When I played online to a fps, moh was already done like you said, and I started with CS and battlefield after. I just discovered CoD with black ops because my mates were on it.
But MOH solo campaign, I loved that.
I preferred Medal of honor during the time of CoD2, or I just had access to it with GameCube.
On PC I got performance issue on CoD2 or 3 doesn’t remember so never played it.
And after it was only online gaming. Ive start and finish my CoD era on BlackOps. Preferred battlefield as license during those times too.
That’s to high as price I guess tho
Except the USA is ripe for aligning with them.
Yeah, this polarized world between Russia and USA is tiring.
We have no choice to make our propers decision, according to “our values”, to make them stopping this.
At one moment, they cannot be (the US) in war with the entire world.
Even they abuse their autority on the dollars, etc, at a moment, that will not work anymore,
But, that sound a lot like an Utopia for now…
StarTrek, the communist TV show with a large audience in the same time 😂
After the profile being checked,
My mind : OP is at worst a troll, just here to make reals fights arguments unintteligible for non-LGBTQIA+, or they are at best, just a mix of “trans”, fascists, MAGA, with a big lack of culture ofc.
I really tend for the first Option, unfortunatelly,
I may be overthinking it but I’d like to do the laundry the right way and keep the stuff I already have in good condition. How do you do it?
Like others, i don’t mainly,
Just few things are washed separated from the “rest”, mainly what its fragil, like my lingerie.
A cat