Wait, where was when? - murloc

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Yup, peeps don’t like to admit how totalitarian / dystopian all the sea countries really are, or how enourmously proud the average man or woman are of all the regressive ideals and cultural norms. Thinking real change is possible in a system if we “get off our hands” is so unbelievable naive. Has anyone in this thread actually spent any time working or living in Japan or any other Asian island nations? The xenophobia and classism is so next level the only comparison in the west is a deranged Trumper who believes white people should be paid more than any other race for their contributions to ccultured civilization.

    I don’t have alot of personal experience with transphobia as other than Fillipino and Thai ladyboys, who are kinda their own thing, culturally. (Not to say their societal reputation is very good, or even a positive, as they are basically expected to emgage in sex work. I have never meet a asian trans person outside the west other than the two previous examples.

    Japan is on of the few western aligned countries that i believe literally needs a big dose of post modern French style feminism. Full on women strikes across the board. The average Japanese man is physically and emotionally incapable of taking care of himself and any potential children or dependents.

  • wtf does maduro and venezuela have to do with swedish gang crime and the increased militarization of swedish police?

    Other than that though, thats just my own point rebranded.

    Modraterna played everyone, on behalf of the US&CIA, I believe it started with olof palme, literally that is what I believe. And you had to jump on the train to destabilize the swedish economy, by importing almost a million low to no skill workers, or you were branded a raging racist. A Professional, Picture Perfect generational psy-ops culture and economic campaign to end swedish solidarity.

    And now that Sweden will be turned into a generic US/EU-lite hybrid, join NATO, and normalize entire populations on temp/gig work as a source of survival. All the wannabe commies and socialists who comprise the swedish goverment are going to stand by and let it happen. As it’s already done deal, they stood by as the interest of the swede was sold out for the interest of the west. Then people act all surprised when some of us gasp* support more confrontational policing methods? As the majority of the west is facing a surge in organized crime? Especially Sweden?

    Either way my og point stands. Solidariteten är över, they killed it by importing that much cheap labor. And Modraterna are absolutley “lefties” as they preach free markets(but only when it benefits them), open borders, etc. Which makes them liberal free market lefty globalists? And they like won too yall realize right? That’s my point.

    I’m assuming yall offended are “vänster” leaning. Which on a good day I think means yall are wannabe socialists or commies. Yall lost the fight along time ago I’m afraid.

    Also, I literally grow and smoke exclusively my own shit. Why are you assuming I’m anti weed cause I’m pro-swedish-cops? lol every haschnisse i know has been arrested 3-5 times for possession, and their lives aren’t exactly ruined. And what part of militarized police operating in specific situations and areas of Sweden will result in it being harder for people to get jobs? The equipment and training I’m talking about is the kind of shit that either, makes it easier for cops to go after middle-higher ranked individuals in organized crime structures, or keep cops from being shot. Not exactly a bad idea.

    Not pulling up on Muhammed at 2am and just blasting. lol

  • That is my point though, “Their only fault was being too incompetent to fix integration and such from day 1”

    Yeah, it was the Modraterna, who I absolutley consider to be “lefties” Who started this entire mess way back when, and “öppna era hjärtan” was a marvelous political power play where the American style “corporate socialist democracy” idk, crushed the more traditional communist leaning Scandinavian Socialism*; admit to being kinda racist and very culturally xenophobic, or import almost a million people with zero cultural ties to you.

    And they are absolutley virtue signaling pansies imo. Just because I consider a moderate party in Sweden lefties and you do not, does not mean I belive S started the problem, S and VP or whatever the f they are called now had my respect before they absolutley bought the most obvious political move The average svennebannan has lost faith in the system, the gang related välfärdsfusk is going to overehelm, not literally, but emotionally and sensationally overwhelm hen. And I really do believe that.

    The current SD is nothing to what it used to be, the combined efforts of both the parties I described earlier* declawed and removed any actually effective tools the party could have brought to the table other than “it was better in the 70-90s, and we don’t like all these brown/black people”

    Everyone hates to hear it but actual social nationalistic/democratic parties are going to become the mainstream more and more as the counter to the giant blob of grey that is the current swedish political landscape. The mass import of low cost different colored labor killed solidarity and everything else will soon follow.

  • SwagaliciousSR@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldngl he looks good
    11 months ago

    I agree! While its going to be an unpopular opinion:

    I’ve lived on all continents save two and I believe the USA is the least racist country in the world by a massive margin, now this dosent mean that systematic racism is not a problem in the US, I’d argue its a bigger problem here than in other parts of the world. Other parts of the world thst are, weirdly enough. More racist!?

    If you stop to consider the amount of hate being spewed in America on a daily basis toward people of various skin colors, weather directly so online or more covertly using coded language on news, The US would definitely appear very racist.

    But I’ve lived here in various states, all over the US save the west coast, for almost a decade now, and Americans are by far the least racist people around thst I’ve encountered that number more than a couple million.

    I belive the average American is very prejudiced however, especially against other Americans who happen to be black. Especially if they also sound or dress black.

    Really anyone who sounds or dresses in a non-white way.

  • Is say 80% of swedish really “Scandinavian” armed forces materials are built from the ground up for a very specific purpose (not the Danes, but add the Fins)

    To cause the maximum amount of harm in terms of $$$ and lives to the Russian armed forces should a war be unavoidable while minimizing the $$$ and loss of life on the Scandinavian side.

    The rest is for export strictly. Usually nasty stuff. Cluster bombs, rebranded Nato missiles etc.

    We have had 80 years of military theory and development figuring out specifically how to fight Russians. Talk to a finn about it. They’re entire conscription service is based on training to fight the Z should the need ever arise.

    Also sweden is the #1 weapons exporter per capita no?

    Nope, my bad it’s Isreal with Sweden @ # 2

    Don’t trust us when we talk about world peace and love lol.

    Sweden no longer exports cluster bombs since 2019!


  • Yeah, from what I understand Microsoft demanded 2 player co op splitscreen on one Xbox, which the ps5 can’t do either. The whole splitting the party up would be impossible and I bet they’d have to enforce close close proximity between pc characters to only render one environment at a time if they somehow pull it off going forward, and even then multi-zone on on xbox? which I think is unlikely as my 3 year old top end gaming rig barely gets 60 fps 2k ultrawide.

    Anyone have any idea why Microsoft was so adamant about this?

    Or is all that just bs and the Xbox can’t push it? All the peeps talking about the steam deck pushing it. Yes, but few are mentioning the settings @1280x720 @30 fps all settings on minimum.

  • This is somewhat true. I’m fairly knowledgeable about this topic (US) im pretty sure Children still cannot be officially diagnosed with a severe personality disorder until usually 14-18 depending on the state and the personality disorder. Usually it’s higher age brackets for more “severe” disorders like aspd. Yet weirdly low for add, adhd and odd. Depends mainly on state.

    Many problematic children will be diagnosed with both odd and adhd /add at a young age and the moment they “age out” of youth services they’ll be immediately diagnosed with aspd or a whole bouquet of other DSM’s. This is one of my bigger pet peeves as parents are often left out of the loop pourpousefully simply as there is no “solution” to a child with such issues other than buttloads of money and time.

    To add, as someone who has worked with children and children with behavioral issues. In multiple countries and cultures:

    We usually know with like 80% certainty by the time the child is I’d say six or seven, roughly what is wrong with any given child, and can give pretty spot on diagnosis between ourselves. We are ofc not allowed to speak with parents regarding most of these issues, that’s a 5 minute talk between a child’s psychologist and its parents every six months. And Timmy just can’t sitt still for more than 20 minutes! It’s a disaster! But other than thst he’s a little angel!

    Also, imagine telling a Karen her precious angel tried stabbed another kid with scissors?

    Yeah I fucking stabbed her, I fucking stabbed the lil bitch in the face cause I fucking hate her fucking bitch"

    And then two weeks later you almost loose your job, cause surprise. Timmy just stabbed the lil bitch in the FACE with Scissors. I know from the grapevine Timmy is now in a locked mental health juvie. Like. How do I explain. We all knew? All of us who ever worked with him told each other he was going to spend the rest of his life getting bailed out of jail by mommy and daddy, or dead, or 15-life. We knew he was dangerous. Deranged even. Why dosent anyone listen? Parents didn’t care, administration didn’t care. Hell the only people who seemed to actually care were us and the girls parents. (big and biggest Bitch)

    It’s this shit + the metal detectors (+admin) that makes people like me charge 100$/h tutoring autistic kids now instead of working 50% and volunteering 50% at local school districts.

    I am not a teacher. Just a giant guy who has always been good with kids. (I never stopped being one)

    I dont think im intelligent enough to get into the nature vs nurture argument. It’s a doozy. My opinion is “why not both” I’ve seen both sides proven imo, a good nurture just gives you alot more tools to use.

  • This comment right here.

    Any migraine (or headache) longer than 72 hours is not normal and should be looked at.

    I’ve had 2x migraine periods in my life, one caused by a gum infection. Worst pain in my life Felt just like an ocular light induced migraine until day 4 or 5 when the pain got to ice pick levels of pain. Ended up needing oral surgery and tubes placed inside my mouth / sinus for a few weeks to belp drain pus and stuff.

    Check any part of your face / forehead for pain and swelling.

    The other was series of minor and micro strokes. I only experienced tingling, migraines and hand pain.

    Had no idea! Get bad and frequent migraines checked out!