Ha ha yup me too! Got one hiding in my closet. $50 and it’s theirs 🤣
Ha ha yup me too! Got one hiding in my closet. $50 and it’s theirs 🤣
Too true. “Dirt” is a swear word in the ag world 🤣
Wow I didn’t know they were commercially available. That is so cool!
Yes the time value of money can work heavily in your favor when projecting that far out. The way the housing market is right now, I might be here for a while 🤣 Thanks for the response!
Do you mind sharing what price one can expect for an install that size (or similar)? I’ve been wanting to install a system like that on my house for a couple years. Now that prices on hardware are more affordable it’s becoming very tempting. I’d love to do it myself.
Ground hog day Marvel style. Where’s Bill Murray when you need him? Oh wait he’s in the Quantum Realm 🤣
Same. The visuals were amazing. Loki ascending to his throne… chefs kiss 🤌
You’re totally right on!! I’ve been having to listen to it a lot over the last few months and the vocals get me every time. I find myself randomly humming the songs and the kids think it’s hilarious when I sing the “Cat Burgler! 🎶 ” intro. Yes it slaps… and it slaps hard!
These look great! Thanks for sharing your work!
Thanks for sleuthing. At the very least, it’s pretty funny and I got a good chuckle
Yeah same here. Anyone have some context or backstory with the meme so I too may partake in the funny?
Hats off to you good sir bows
From MSRP, yes. Mine was second hand and has seen better days. One of the older DC07 ones