If he understood what he did it would be called sabotage.
Lucky for him, he doesn’t speak French.
If he understood what he did it would be called sabotage.
Lucky for him, he doesn’t speak French.
Symantec has watched me execute the same script I wrote dozens times before suddenly deciding that it is malicious.
My bad. I was tired and forgot that was a word!
It checks user agent to see if you are using something generic in a user agent switcher. It gives me fits sometimes if I leave it on chrome from Firefox too long.
What people expect:
✅Fix my box
❎Fuck my shit up
What we would get: System Kernel Interface
🔳 Regex Recursion
🔳 Kernel Language (Internal) [Dropdown: en-us, Dvorak, binary, Klingon, non-binary (Borg analog), Esperanto]
🔳 Ignore LPT on fire
🔳 Memory hole on sysctl
🔳 Mansplain man(8)
Side note, anyone need cloud storage?
Buy a used PC that can take a PCI-e card and has room for several drives.
Buy a used sas controller recommended by the truenas community
Stuff the PC with 10 drives: one SATA SSD for the OS and 9 20GB HDDs in ZFS configuration for 140 TB of storage with 2 failover drives.
Install TrueNAS and create a network share.
Repeat and/or upgrade as needed.
Edit: I just went web window shopping. Does anyone have $3k I could invest?
It would go to… Uh…
I have an Inspiron 545 that might score less. I just reinstalled Windows on it to sell, so I guess I won’t get around to testing.
Yes. A worldwide service provider should be able to achieve at least 4 9s of uptime. That’s 99.99% available, or about <52 minutes of downtime a year. That’s accomplished through best practices with redundancy, planned maintenance, and solid disaster recovery plans.
The ways to achieve a disaster of this magnitude include:
Trends are just emulating someone else’s style.
If you send an open letter and it gets enough views.
Edit - See Gary Bowser
I actually did #2 because I was fixing one. If you REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING and have ALL THE TOOLS AND PROCESSES NECESSARY and the power supply is worth a few hundred dollars, it MIGHT be worth it.
Guess what? I still blew one up.
Stay safe friends. Recycle it and buy a new one.
Sorry, Elon musk is too stupid to engineer a piloted airplane, let alone a submersible - eirher capable of leaving the surface more than 1000 feet. He’s also too week and craven to pilot either himself.
In all fairness, meta should be assessed a fee of 250k per EACH pirated work.
This would amount to forfeiting all assets to doge.
Bookmarked for future lore drops.