Yea, like even as a dude I’ll be in different situations where I can see someone uncomfortable who doesn’t feel like they can say no. The best friend, the person nearby, or the cousin who the family already thinks is weird can all step in to stop a variety of weirdos or even just a relative being shitty at the dinner table.
Crushes happen over time, if they were into it they wouldn’t let their friend get in the way and if they did you should probably want to date someone with some better boundaries.
Man, why is it so common to find those people among the group that is so clearly privileged even compared to poor people that are otherwise exactly like them?
I mean, I’m sure it’s because we fetishize hardship and idiots feel like they aren’t of value unless they’ve had some kind of major setback so having privilege makes them feel like they didn’t still earn whatever it was just because doing it didn’t come with a heap of other issues but fuck.