I was never at risk of siding with him on anything? Why would I?
Yeah, I tried to vote in their best interests, if they also voted for their best interests this wouldn’t be happening.
No he’d vote for Trump all over again tomorrow. He doesn’t care how clearly bad this is for him, he’s still better than black people, women, and Hispanics.
Moisened Bint I believe was her name…
No it’s not the same, it’s a totally different system as long as the labor doesn’t own the business they work for. Ten thousand different mechanisms to circumvent the ownership by private capital is still ownership by private capital and as America has demonstrated again and again, no battle is won by a vague circumventing of the major problem of exploitation, because all those mechanisms are quickly and easily removed by private capital the second they buy enough power to do so. Our entire economy is monopolizing at an alarming rate, this was illegal just a few decades ago, it’s now legal to hand politicians millions of dollars to do what they are told, this was illegal before Citizens United decision, also legal to bribe then to do your bidding openly as long as you only give them the money after they accomplish your task, and now unions are difficult to start and maintain this was a legally protected activity a few decades ago, all the circumventing is temporary and inefficient.
Socialism is an economic system in which major industries are owned by workers rather than by private businesses. It is different from capitalism, where private actors, like business owners and shareholders, can own the means of production.
Look boys, a space anomaly! Wow. Never seen anything like it. Let’s drive our spaceship full of families and children right into it! Probes? No no no no. The whole ship!
There’s a film of it, but I’ve only ever read the book. It is a really good book by a WWII veteran who really gets a lot of points about the war and what happened across.
Homie what the fuck are you even saying here? You believe the fascists who are doing exactly fascist things aren’t fascist because the people calling them fascist must be the real fascist because they aren’t being NICE to the fascists about how fascist they fascism and that’s really why the fascist are fascisming because the fascists are calling them fascists?
Driven to vote for Trump? Is this ‘‘I’m a piece of shit because you’ve driven me to being a piece of shit and not by any means I’m accountable for’’ type of thinking? That’s wiggity wack to be honest.
He’s not. His assistants tech team’s intern mentioned it through their communication app Elon can shadow read.
Humm. This is very ‘tread on me harder, daddy’ of you to say.
Big party of white supremacy is changing the demographics of the country to remain white, it’s actually the only reason the US is still a white majority country, if they didn’t genocide natives, ethnically clense Chinese Immigrants, and repeatedly try and ethnically clense the west for Hispanic peoples.
They know white birth rates are not at replacement levels, that’s why they are doing everything they can to force white women into a position of being baby factories with no rights to oppose or pervent pregnancy, is no wonder they are also floating making interracial marriage illegal again, this is all happening to one goal, get white birthrates to replacement levels at all costs.
It’s literally a sin in many sects, not to say those sects aren’t entirely hypocritical on the matter, but trading priestly duties for money is explicitly a sin in a lot of Abrahamic religions.
It will never happen. Vance is a tool, an the GOP has been clear, there is only one man they bend over for and it’s Trump, I’m surprised Musk is this involved without him being shoved aside by Trump, but it is pissing people off and making people deeply anxious about if they have a country or not next week or so, and the panic and pain is the thing Trump loves most while he’s looting the country, so many this is all just gravy for him.
You don’t get it, he HATES his trans daughter!
Law Professor Arrested, Musk Says ‘‘It’s Illegal To Point Out My Illegal Acts’’