Eventually it comes down to the military. If the military decide to park their tanks in front of the white house and shoot or bombs protesters it’s game over. If they decide the president is a traitor and go after him then he’s gone.
Eventually it comes down to the military. If the military decide to park their tanks in front of the white house and shoot or bombs protesters it’s game over. If they decide the president is a traitor and go after him then he’s gone.
First they used venture capitalist’s money. It was just free mana from heaven during the period with near zero interest rates after the 2008 financial crisis. They used that money to get market share by making deliveries very cheap. Intrest rates went up, they went public to get more money, and then it was time to see how much that market could bear and rake in the profits.
If nothing happens now, there’ll be another chance sub enough. Industrial animal husbandry is pretty much a pandemic generator.
The truth is handed in a silver platter but that reality is immediately rejected and replaced with their own wishes and dreams.
But the battle for public transportation has been fought and lost already.
This happened in the UK too with Brexit. When things turned out badly, in the exact way as was predicted, it was “this isn’t what I voted for”. But the problem was never with the vote itself, it was always the fault of politicians not implementing things correctly, it was the EU’s fault for not giving them what they wanted although they voted to be outside of it, experts didn’t warn them enough although they ridiculed said experts because the experts didn’t went along with the Brexit beliefs.
It’s like trying to be Scully and going against Mulder’s “I want to believe”.
In a real astroid field, the rocks are easily a million kilometers apart. It’s all mostly empty space. If they’d be closer they’d clump together and form a planet
clowns are good
Stephen King has entered the chat…
Using Luigi’s Example
The full phrase is MAGA FASE.
Make America Great Again
For A Small Elite
But if AI takes jobs, wouldn’t in the end make most of the services they offer obsolete?
Like the classic “The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money” while in today’s capitalism everybody except a small elite is running out of money.
The world is only beginning to get weird. This is going to be more like the collapse of an empire weird and it’s just started.
I can’t go anywhere without seeing a few memorials of world war 2. They’re everywhere so we wouldn’t forget.
Musk is going to sue everybody that hates Nazis probably.
On the road. No time for finding the perfect example. Take that as evidence of absence if you want.
Microlino, Fiat panda grande, Renault 5, Citroën Ami and others. The smaller and more affordable versions are getting there.
Aren’t you guys inching closer to be an American colony?
The issue isn’t the way of testing, but the two standards. If Musk blows up rockets in testing it’s a genius move with rapid iteration. If NASA does this it’s irresponsible handling of tax payer’s money on risky endeavors.