Seems you understood the spirit of it.
Seems you understood the spirit of it.
I’m reasonably sure that the level of leadership that’s running carriers is still mostly competent.
Of course, President Musk might decide to go down there and take personal charge of the carrier group. That might be fun.
If you don’t chop off the head of the beast, it’s not going to stop.
I think there is something here we can work with.
That’s the Fox model. Have your talking head invent visit on the morning program, have them debate it on the afternoon program, then have the evening program report on the controversy.
Yea. Amy order from a judge is deemed to be legal.
On the other hand, in extreme cases, I’d hope they ignore the judges order to massacre the village.
Yea, if we assume for the sake of argument that we should be executing people are all, nitrogen gas seems like a pretty good way to do it. I’ve never made a detailed study, but I’ve worked with the stuff, and had the safety training. Apparently there is no “danger” signal from the body, and you just keel over.
Larry Niven is not up everyone’s taste, but I find that his Laws, such as they are, stand up reasonably well. On writing, he said this:
f you’ve nothing to say, say it any way you like. Stylistic innovations, contorted story lines or none, exotic or genderless pronouns, internal inconsistencies, the recipe for preparing your lover as a cannibal banquet: feel free. If what you have to say is important and/or difficult to follow, use the simplest language possible. If the reader doesn’t get it, then let it not be your fault.
I wish this was taught in schools.
Stay strong, mate. Sounds like you’re having a much harder time of it than some of us, but the only thing to do is to survive, and hope for a better tomorrow.
One day at a time.
That’s a selling point if I ever saw one.
Not us. The people in power, and their rabble.
The rabble don’t know what DEI is, only that it’s on the list of things they are told to be against.
True. I’ll take what wins we can get.
Thanks for the advice. I’ve never ever heard of Rust, but then I am a mere dabbler in programming.
I suppose an app may be my best bet.
appreciate the detailed reply. I’ll look to see whatI can do with it.
I am, in fact, using the default web UI, because I abhor the appification of the internet. But sometimes, one does what one must.
I suspect that they are just going to be instructing the companies on which speech they should be censoring, and which amplified.
I find it hard to believe the NSA would even let him in the door.
Been stuck on option two for a while. See bad things coming. Brace for impact.
I’ve known some methane who claim that they also have a flat fee, even from visa and MasterCard. So it can certainly be done.
Honestly, I think the biggest act of rebellion we could manage right now would be to stop treating social media posts like reality.
If they want to kick out ambassadors, there is a form for that, and Twitter is not it.
It’s not in any way a tax. It’s a fee you pay for a service you wish to use. It’s as much a tax as the money spent on a doughnut is a tax.
The rest of your idea is great. Wish I had access to something like that.
And yet Trump lives. I guess that proves the theory wrong.
I’ve never been so disappointed to have a conspiracy disproved.