That last bit is definitely not unique to the US. I’ve heard people from all parts of Europe, even when in the US, say they’re from Gloucester, or Antwerp, or Perth, or where have you. It’s not like they immediately say England, Belgium, or Australia every time. You’re definitely nitpicking this point.
How, at this point, could anyone assume that in 4 years Trump will just “leave the office”?
I do believe sensory overload is the goal.
I do agree the democratic party caused their own doom. I would like to point out however, the logic of “The United States of America is more important then the Democratic Party” could be applied in the same way to “The United States of America is more important than risking Trump to be in office to dismantle it”, no?
Exactly. His character has been on full display since Queens, NY.
Who said it was a science teacher?
Sometimes I need to wipe my face after a meal and have no napkins so I use money
Nice work! Remember, if you feel like you’re running out of steam while doing the hard work of moving, it’s okay to pause and take rest! Moments of rest are productive, contrary to much popular belief.
I feel he saw how big it was on a typical map and thought “I can double the size of America. All we have to do is kick out these no-name unimportant suckers who happen to be there”
I guess people forget that it needs a “helping verb”. Just having “have seen” in that sentence would fix it.
“It’s too kind to say it’s racism or discrimination. It’s disrespect for humanity.”
You’ve gotta be trolling. Justifying evil because you’re doing it to someone you perceive as evil doesn’t change the fact that you’re now doing something evil.
From what I’ve understood, “begging” a question is more like “evading” a question. (Here’s a video)
Mine is a Davek, and it’s wonderful. Nice wooden handle and has never failed me, even in strong winds. They even gave me a card I can use to replace it once, if anything happens to it!
Surely there not all broken?
Damn Julius and Augustus!
Have you a merry little Christmas, commoner.
Great. And I am telling you that my experience is otherwise. Also, I’ve never heard USians, that’s a first.