Domains are cheap, buy one and then you can jump between whatever services aren’t caught up in the outrage of the moment.
Domains are cheap, buy one and then you can jump between whatever services aren’t caught up in the outrage of the moment.
deleted by creator
Speak with your money.
This is tough to do when there’s often not a functional alternative. Buying old motherboard stock and a non-HDR monitor isn’t going to teach manufactures people want Linux support, they’ll just think you are saving money / don’t care about new features.
Without some sort of clear ‘Linux Certified’ system they can compare sales against, no hardware manufacturer is going to be able to recognize the 0.1% sales increase stemming from the time random internet volunteers fixed the open source implementation of their display drivers.
SBTI has a good but very rigid framework, generally opposed to taking the cheap way out. I suspect a lot if big businesses are going to start pulling out when the bill comes due on their environmental commitments and they haven’t actually invested in cleaning up their assets.
Also, don’t love the pyramid scheme that is “supplier engagement targets” - Basically you don’t need to reduce your supply chain emissions as long as your suppliers sign up for their own science based targets. Those suppliers ARE gonna drop the ball, en masse, leaving these big companies to just shrug and go “not our fault they failed”.
You see, when you have a systemic problem with sexual assault, that’s just the status quo, no big deal. Getting called out for it though, crisis!
I was like “Wow, did they roll it back already?”
Some days I don’t wet the bed, how will it recognize my presence without a steady stream of moisture?
Wait, you just sold me on Hitman though, where should I start? Is “World of Assassins Part 1” truly a combination of HM1-3? Looks like its only $9 on steam rn
You’re close! (But it was also solved 8 hours ago)
Dear lord I can’t believe this is only now becoming a feature - those redirect spammers are the worst! What do you gain from making my life more difficult? I just close the tab and search again, this time with your website blacklisted.
Not all crops need 100% sun exposure in 100% of their growing regions.
Many crops do better with a little bit of well placed shading to help keep temperatures/sun damage down.
The way these panels are oriented they may also reduce wind flow over the crops which can improve water retention (but may lead to other problems if crops are over-irrigated).
Mathematically it’s entirely possible to have better crop yield than a vast expanse of monocrops devoid of shelter.
Cool story bro. There was (and likely still is, because you clearly haven’t found it) a keylogger on your system when you logged into Steam at some point.
You can continue in denial if you want, it literally makes no difference to me - I’m not the one getting HIBP Stealer Log emails. Just trying to warn you, I wouldn’t log into anything you care about getting hacked until you find out what caused the breach.
Man, the denial runs deep.
HIBP works by finding big databases of stolen information on the dark web. Usually these databases are attributed to websites that have been breached.
In the case of “stealer logs” though, the databases are full of logins to a bunch of different websites, instead indicating it comes from hacked computers.
They, and I, can’t truly say for certain that your computer was hacked, so instead they have to make vague statements like “someone attempted to log into your account on a compromised computer”. That information went to the hackers who developed the virus, and they posted it online. They don’t know your computer is infected, just that your information ended up in a pile with a bunch of other people’s whose computers were infected.
The person logging in could be you, could be anyone, they may not have even gotten in, but the #1 most likely scenario is you logged into your account on your computer while a virus was running in the background capturing information.
Your computer being the one with the virus is made 1000x more likely because you mention in previous posts that you use pirated software.
If you pirate software, and you get a HIBP stealer log notice, I’d wager there’s a 99.7% chance someone snuck a keylogger into one of the programs you downloaded.
Just in case you want to do nothing, nowhere in particular.
I’ve evaded Reddit bans for the last 19 months by simply not using Reddit. You should try it.
Can someone please get that man a copy of Battle Rush: Build Up Robot Tournament before he sells it all?
If I were him, I’d at least make the sale conditional on having enough time to acquire the game with the new funds before shipping.
Titanium feels like a poor choice if you’re trying to shift your center of gravity. Stainless steel would be better, or for this particular situation I’d probably recommend something even heavier like lead or uranium.
Waiting for the reviews to come in on this system’s N64 performance
Don’t forget the rise of the 60+ GB “Day 0 Patch”. You buy any physical game and you have to download the whole thing anyways when you get home.
Feels like he’d be better served as a UI/UX consultant for some of the bigger distros, have impact with more staying power