I do things sometimes
It still works, but some features are broken. I switched because marking posts as read doesn’t work anymore.
I’ve been daily driving the bleeding edge TestFlight version with no issues since it came out
You can’t afford $10/month for something you use many times per day? Are you paying for any streaming services? Those cost way more per daily use.
Plain as day how? The controversy Apple had was throttling processors in phones with aging batteries so they wouldn’t randomly shut down under load. That’s not even close to the same thing as purposely pushing an update you know will basically brick phones. Apple was actually attempting to extend the life of older devices not make them useless. I’m not saying Apple handled it correctly, but this is plain as day not the same thing.
I still have never been able to see blue and black
I’ve been running this for my whole family and friends for years at this point. Way better than any browser based solution.
How does this make any sense when buying 2 of the cases is half the price while also faster and easier to swap? It would maybe make sense if it swapped out the actual phone battery. Maybe that’s their end goal, but how does it make sense at all to sell this as a real product?
You can’t make a generalizing statement about how EVs are expensive and then say you were talking about one of most expensive models you can buy…
$100k+ in what currency? The base model of the EV I drive is under $45k
The Apple Watch can easily last over 24 hours if you only use it as a watch and nothing else. The 18 hour estimate Apple provides is if you use all the features throughout the day such as exercise tracking, notifications, quick replying to messages, etc. If anything the 18 hour number is under selling the battery life.
Standby a separate feature from Always on Display which iPhones also have
Wasn’t this the word of last year?
If there was a Lemmy account setting to automatically bypass the proxy on failure then it might not require any front end work, but the manual bypass button would definitely need to be implemented in each client
Have you thought about solving this issue in the front end? The client I’m using (Mlem) implemented a feature to directly access the image if the proxy fails. This feature can either be triggered automatically or by pressing a button on the failed image. This allows users the benefit of the proxy while also having the option to give up their IP if they want to see a broken image.
You need physical access to one of your devices to approve web access. If someone had that they could also just turn on the toggle.
Are you saying enabling the setting to allow web access is downgrading your security? I think the security risk is super minimal. You need physical access to one of your devices to approve access every time.
Do you? I thought you just had to authorize from an Apple device every time.
It really doesn’t. I’ve seen bolts that have been at chargers for over 2 hours and still aren’t at 100%
The only thing wrong with this picture is a Bolt at a DCFC. They charge so ungodly slow they might as well be ICEing the stall they’re at.
This finally gave me the push to switch to Orion browser after putting it off for a long time