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  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • FDE requires third-party software (veracrypt)

    There’s bitlocker, I think it was added in 7 or Vista. What do you mean?
    But other than that, I would rather use VC too.

    standard system utilities (think ssh, git etc.) are not available on a fresh install

    Hmm, depends. It has a built in openssh client and server, but the “feature” (automatically installing package) is off by default. It can be enabled at install time with the use of the standard windows image modification tools (DISM I think?)

    And then you’re supposed to download and install .exe files from the internet? Since microsoft controls what goes in the windows store

    I think it’s better that Microsoft does not have that much control over software distribution.

    But again, most things you want aren’t there, and you can’t even trust the things that are there.

    Of course you can’t, nobody can tell by looking at the store page if it was modified by anyone, including Microsoft.
    The amazon app store for android explicitely tells that they are adding tracking code to every uploaded app, and to make this possible they replace the digital signature of apps uploaded. Google with the play store does not tell anything like this afaik, but for a few years now it also basically compromised the digital signatures of developers, by requiring the private keys to be mandatorily handed in for continued app updates.
    I don’t trust that these companies that already rely on mass surveillance as a revenue stream, they won’t add tracking code to apps unauthorized by the devs. If not right now, it will happen in the future.

    For some reason, a billion dollar company cannot curate a software repository of the same quality as the ones maintained by unpaid volunteers in the Linux world.

    Besides quality, I think open source distro’s repository and it’s packagers are largely more trustable. They are not motivated financially to modify the packages in unwanted (by the user) ways, and they are transparent.

    So yeah, I think it’s just not there yet. Maybe in a few years windows will be a viable alternative for desktop systems.

    I think they are drifting farther and farther away.
    It was an option. But the shitshow of 11… thanks that’s too much. I’m not installing that for anyone. And 10 is soon end of life…

  • Changing the “id” like the MAC address or the IMEI has no impact on any system.

    On the system none, yeah. But if you pick an IMEI that’s also used by an other phone, that is what can cause trouble, as I know. It’s the same as when multiple devices have the same MAC or IP address on the same network.

    For example, when a client device gets its IP from the dhcp server on a router, which allocates a random ip from a specific pool, it does not influence anything like ip packets routing…

    That’s because it is not random. The DHCP server keeps track of the addresses it has assigned to someone, and will never tell the next new client to use an IP it has already assigned someone.
    But if you set your IP statically and pick an IP that is used, or if you run multiple DHCP severs for the same network without coordination, then problems will come.

  • I don’t have experience with it, but as I know that is a GUI helper for Wine.

    A steam emulator is different. It is often just a single file, a program library that holds program code.
    On windows it is a DLL file, on Linux it does not have an extension but it’s the same concept. The game loads it because it actually searches for the official version of this file, but both Linux and Windows implement the search for it so that a library file (with the expected name) besides the executable is preferred instead of whatever is installed systemwide.

    Lutris on the other hand is a GUI tool to manage your “wineprefixes”, which is maybe better called wine environments. If you are familiar with python, it’s more like python’s virtual environments.
    And besides basic tasks, it has a lot of additional tools to make using Wine easier.
    Afaik there are also other such utilities, I don’t yet have experience with any of them.

  • Sorry about the late reply.

    I don’t have access to an apk of paid Boost for Lemmy, but this is what Exodus Privacy has to say about it:
    The app does not have Lemmy in the name, but I assume it is the Lemmy version because of its package name

    You can also check it locally by
    a) installing App Manager from F-droid, and when they boost app’s details are opened, use the Scanner feature. It is a larger action button in the vertically scrollable button bar below the app name
    b) export the APK to your computer, and use JADX from github to disassemble the APK. you should be able to see the layered packages and source code of the embedded trackers.

    Yes, what you described is app flavors, and is a feature of the android sdk. However, the dev probably didn’t remove the dependency incisions. Even if they now don’t issue a specific initialization call at app startup, the tracking frameworks have registered their own content providers and broadcast receivers in the androidmanifest file at build time, which will be started at app startup before other components of the app.

  • Ater purchasing and downloading a game from Steam, the Steam client is not actually needed for it to be playable. Of course it will try to start up Steam, and if isn’t installed then it will complain, but if use use a “steam emulator” that can be worked around.
    This is useful if you don’t want Steam to track how much and when do you play, when is it that you are online, what achievements you got and such. This is afaik also the only way to say no to forced automatic game updates.

    One such emulator is Mr Goldberg’s steam emu.
    It has a bunch of configuration options, per-game settings, optionally portable settings, windows+linux support, and I think it’s even open source.

    Using the Goldberg emu is not piracy, neither DRM circumvention. The Steam API is not a DRM, most Steam games just make the Steam client a hard dependency, not bothering with making it work without it.
    When the game is protected by DRM (this should always be marked on its store page), the steam emu won’t be enough, but you would also need to patch it’s DRM protection. Sometimes that’s easier, sometimes harder.

    Steam emus may or may not work with multiplayer games.
    The Goldberg emu has a replacement Steam’s own multiplayer network communication system, which works through the local network or a selfhosted wireguard-like VPN, but with big centrally hosted multiplayer games you’ll run into licensing validation problems or such.