I think liberals gleefully devising litmus tests is what elected Trump in the first place.
I think liberals gleefully devising litmus tests is what elected Trump in the first place.
When asked how I would like it prepared, I like:
“still pissed off”
I have a friend that goes with:
“knock off the horns and wipe its butt”
TBF most people don’t have any problem with “I take my medication in private.” Some people do, but most people don’t.
It’s the
“and you have to pay for it when I’m in prison.”
“You have to let me play sports against biological girls. You can’t make me play sports against boys - it has to be girls”.
Trans women that demand to use the women’s restrooms before they are effectively transitioned.
Those things effect such a vanishingly small number of people, but they are perfect wedge issues. The LGBT+ community has spent its entire political capital on those three issues. They have failed to make a cogent argument that convinces people outside of the community that these are necessary things.
The damage has been profound.
It is easy to say, just go live under a bridge, but if that is your choice, you may think twice.
We should totally go back to “I’m in charge because my daddy built me a goon squad”.
Or somebody having a fun interesting conversation will be pilloried by Gen Z/Alpha.
He was injecting that to make sure a question that many people would have would be addressed by Carrie.
Lemmy: Durr…. White Man Bad
You need to donate whole blood to work as advertised here.
But if you do donate whole blood, it works.
I disagree. Trump and Musk own competitors to TokTok.
They are not going to hurt themselves in order to help a Chinese competitor.
Also, they are now in the ones in charge AND the Chinese government is actually using TikTok to spy on THEM.
Do you smell popcorn?
I miss the old internet. Before big capital figured out how stupid we are.
Or so when people ask you what it is for you can retell the story
I did use ChatGPT as a search engine to get a link so people wouldn’t have to look it up.
It there a problem with that?
Little dude’s right foot is off the pedal.
He is going to lose the skin off one of his arms when he wipes out
About a decade ago, North Carolina made it illegal to use 100 year forecasts in government documents.
How’s that working out
Match Group’s stock is down over 80% from it’s peak in 2021.
When they were still being persecuted by the Romans for their religion, they held Christmas during Saturnalia to blend in.
Also, I’m pretty sure I remember seeing that Tolkien had Frodo destroy the ring on the day believed to be the birth of Christ.
You mean Sniffy McNosecandy didn’t win the hearts and minds of the local simpletons with their free healthcare and rule of law?
This affected 250, I’m guessing poor, people.