After seeing video from several different angles it looks like there was no landing flare. The plane drove straight into the runway. The CRJ tends to land “flatter” than many aircraft, but the mains and nose touch almost simultaneously even with the compression of the main strut. That’s not right at all. We’ll have to wait and see if there was a shear or something that caused a loss of airspeed where the pilots kept the nose down, or whether it was just a crew fuckup, new pilot in the aircraft, whatever.
People get nostalgic for order and predictability that came at the point of a gun. “At least we had food and everything wasn’t falling apart!” Plenty of Russians I’ve been around remember the “good old days” under authoritarian “communism” and were unhappy with the turmoil and unpredictability when the USSR collapsed, and they’re the same ones that are happy with Putin’s and trump’s authoritarian methodology and threat of violence to enforce compliance.
So people absolutely can have a fondness for their abusers, especially if freedom from them leads to unpredictability and poverty.