@Xanza Not sure what you mean. I wanted to use my services with my domain. I tried a reverse proxy by itself and it wouldn’t work because my ISP blocks ports, so I set up Cloudflare instead. Then I found out my services would work better with Caddy, so I set that up. I also originally wasn’t using Unbound, but then I realized my services were having trouble communicating, and I thought it would help to have more control over DNS rules, which it has.
@some_guy Everything is very responsive. I haven’t had any trouble with responsiveness at all. Lol right now the only trouble I’m having is that I removed Monica CRM and BookStack and BookStack because of Monica accessibility needs and BookStack not really being that useful, and I’m trying to install Pleroma to play with that, but Docker’s having some weird DNS issues where it keeps trying to use IPv6, which my ISP doesn’t support, even though I’ve disabled it in my daemon.json.