Wo seh ich denn, ob ich bestanden habe?
Und wo gibt’s eigentlich das Wahlgeld? Kann ich da meinen Demogeldtypi fragen?
Wo seh ich denn, ob ich bestanden habe?
Und wo gibt’s eigentlich das Wahlgeld? Kann ich da meinen Demogeldtypi fragen?
Fragile masculinity go brrr.
I don’t know the English onomatopoeia for shattering glass. :(
Getting DNS and DHCP mixed up here.
DNS you set in your DHCP, DHCP you either disable or enable.
Set the PiHole as DNS on your router or disable DHCP on the router altogether and enable it on the Pi. The former is simpler.
The worst thing? The audacity.
Even after, there’s tons to undo and process for the history books.
Everyone’s talking and nobody’s doing anything.
Four spiders, numbered 1, 2, 3, and 5. Large enough to be legible of course.
Pretty amazing how much you can milk fragile masculinity. Like actually astounding how badly these people need the vague idea of manliness to survive. It kinda makes me feel bad for them, that’s learned behavior.
Oh, you don’t have a 17.5ch cinema surround sound set at home? Too bad, guess subtitles it is.
Doesn’t teaching involve learning?
Geil wird auch der Umkehrschluss. “Ist ja nicht verboten worden, wie schlimm kanns schon sein! Jetzt kann ich guten Gewissens für sie stimmen.”
They had a Bernie, he didn’t work, so they needed a Luigi.
Aka peaceful revolution, violent revolution and such.
Just moved to Proxmox. Vaultwarden as an LXC from helper-scripts is so easy.
Countries, slut shaming, office hours, time zones, dress codes…
Unless you account for them thinking of the carrier as just that. A means to an end.
Move to the US, problem solved.
Are those emission rates per capita or absolute?