‘Make America Great Again’ makes Brexit great again!
‘Make America Great Again’ makes Brexit great again!
The DNC colluded to push Clinton/Biden, giving Bernie’s challangers more publicity and promising other candidates positions if they drop out and endorse Clinton/Biden
Les ich so nicht. Die “taktischen Manöver” werden hier ja Merz unterstellt. Und sie fordert auch nicht Abschiebungen oder Zurückweisungen im Speziellen. Wenn man z.B. der Meinung ist, dass ein humanerer Umgang mit Flüchtlingen und eine Entbürokratisierung der Immigrationsverfahren zu weniger Anschlägen führt, dann gibt es da noch sehr viel in dem Bereich, das Deutschland verbessern könnte.
Danke für die links für geplante Demos. Ich hatte nie einen Plan, wo man das nachschauen kann.
This, but unironically. All fascist movements in Europe have copied the Trump media sphere, where it doesn’t matter how brazen the lie is, it only matters how confidently you present it and never accept wrongdoing. Similarly, while not as bad as in the US, for Germany at least, we also copied the US Democrats playbook of do-as-little-as-necessary, while the rich get richer and richer, which in turn has driven a majority of the people into poverty, which is one big reason why there is so much anger in society the fascists can capitalize on.
You’re right, I saw an older video and took it as new: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9GBHNaYzcs
I mean, the least he could’ve aak. Those guys seemed to enjoy killing, so maybe they would’ve liked killing more orcs.
Isn’t that the second F35 in a few weeks? I can remember another F35 having a nose gear failure with the pilot ejecting at ground level.
Given that he does photos for 10 brides a day and still has free time, he must’ve been upfront about it.
The idea is that I’d recognize a compromised system. Not perfect, but good enough. I don’t need to log into my bank account every day. But I will log into lemmy daily. So if a credential stealer + encrypter gets onto my system, I will most likely not have my sensitive passwords stolen. If the malware keeps a low profile, this won’t help, but most malware won’t.
My conspiracy theory: Meta has an AI that scans articles/the internet for threats and then adjusts the filters for Facebook. The AI just read the story that some Games companies are blocking Linux clients, because they see them as unsafe. The AI just copied what it read.
Well, I guess with so many people recommending syncthing, I’ll have to look at it as well.
In reference to the title, they never will.
Guter Mann, der Drosten. Ich persönlich sehe aber nicht viel Mehrwert in der Frage, wie das Virus entstanden ist. So oder so, China wird keine Schuld eingestehen und die westlichen Länder sind wirtschaftlich zu sehr verknüpft mit China, als das sieSanktionen erlassen würden. Ähnlich wie mit dem Anschlag auf die Nordstream pipeline, es mögen die Ukrainer gewesen sein, aber Konsequenzen wird es erst mal nicht geben, weil die Ukraine unser Partner ist.
The share price does reflect the worth of the company in that a low share price will prevent companies from taking on loans to expand or keep operating. That was the whole idea behind the GameStop shorting saga. Also, the share price also benefits those that hold a majority of the shares. Musk is the richest man on earth because he holds the most Tesla shares. He can use the fact he owns these shares in order to take out loans with great conditions and to buy influence.
The app was unusable for me for 2 days. Nice to see that the issue got adressed quickky.
Netanyahu is obviously not building gas chambers to gas the jews, but he is overseeing exceptional brutality being done to a group of people, most of whom are innocent. Nazism isn’t only about jews, it’s about all minorities or other ethnicities than the own one more broadly. Apart from the jews, the Nazis also killed a lot of polish people and anyone they deemed ‘deviant’. Just because ‘Nazis killed jews’ is the only piece of information that stuck to the cultural zeitgeist doesn’t mean it’s the only thing you should focus on when determining if someone is a Nazi or not.
You may not pay the company when you buy shares from another trader, but you buying the shares drives the price of the shares and with that it makes the company more valuable.
As a German, yeah, but no. The EU doesn’t need the hassle of having a land border with the US. Then again, if Schengen survives till Canada joins, visiting would become much easier.
A bug? You mean someone in the office accidentially pressed the big red ‘purge-everything-unholy-for-when-the-evangelicals-come-after-us’ button?