Selling Florida does track with our used-car salesman ass President.
Shame Lemon Laws don’t apply internationally - caveat emptor, Denmark.
Selling Florida does track with our used-car salesman ass President.
Shame Lemon Laws don’t apply internationally - caveat emptor, Denmark.
Ehh, I kinda doubt that. Aluminum manufacture is pretty energy-intensive. Energy that would probably come from petroleum.
I don’t really believe he thinks any more about what he’s lashing out at than a ferret in a war-dance.
Woah there, friend. There are several million legitimate citizens that don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Their knowledge of the workings of the government (or anything else, really) don’t have much bearing on their citizenship.
Still odd for an individual who would have to take an exam on the matter for naturalization.
Which is wild that some segments of the alt-right decry vaccine use for its supposed connection to autism. Why wouldn’t they want the best excuse they have to go mask-off?
My guess was gonna be cinnabar.
Woah, be careful wearing that in the US. Cops here are absolutely terrified of acorns.
Bah, I prefer “youse guys”. Because I’m definitely a Pennsylvania mobster from the '30’s.
A small, cheapish aiming reticle.
Poster’s got it right though- their heritage is one of getting absolutely trounced.
You’re telling me the Vice Admiral of Her Majesty’s Navy can’t wrangle a spare able seaman to cut his food for him?
Trawling through to make sure that this was posted. Good job!
Arm up friends! But always be sure to know as much as you can as well.
The Taliban did return, but I seriously doubt that there was much, if any, continuity of leadership between the two governments. We (the Allied Powers) destroyed Nazi Germany, but their ideological descendents still managed to fester and erupt some 80 years later.
The point still holds that the threat made here is not against the common Canadian, but instead to the leadership that would be targeted.
As for your point on Arizona, I’m having trouble parsing it. Do you mean to say that the residents do not support the US government? US adventurism? The Democratic/Republican Party?
Looks fun. If only I wasn’t absolute garbage at rhythm games.
Were there any witnesses?
If not: blame the shelves “the thing just buckled when I put the pallet there”
Else: cop to it, I guess? Can’t trust nobody in warehouse.
In the case that the world goes back to “normal” in four years, what would even be the path forward for prosecution against this?
I mean, I won’t hold my breath, but am just curious.
Yeonmi Park, DPRK defector and conservative media darling. Claims of her life in North Korea are debated hotly- things along the lines of they eat rats and the like.
Aw man. I love it, I was just hoping to find it was in support of some busybody who had a local paper do a writeup on her.
Still: always cyberbully mayors.
Is there a story behind this?
Hows about dropping that SpaceX contract?
I know why, but can still be unhappy.
Why 2 phones instead of dual SIM? Leaving the work SIM at home, of course.