Then it becomes copypasta and judges get tired of having to sit through the same rant over and over.
Then it becomes copypasta and judges get tired of having to sit through the same rant over and over.
It’s also easy to believe that it’ll suck. And it likely will.
But it’s such a good damned cast (speaking of the team of kids) who have careers of decades full of accomplishments, and I’m curious to see what they pull together.
But if it’s they’re the parents and there’s a new team of kids, it won’t work. Might as well make a new Stranger Things at that point.
He can be part of the new leadership. He’s been a loyal part of this fight for his entire life as far as I can tell.
But I agree we need leadership. I don’t think I’m a good option but, maybe?
There are parts of it that I definitely like, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that sometimes I can take a step back and forget that it’s about cancer, death, eternity, and killing all the gods in the name of revenge… because Zeus makes a bunch of dick jokes and some goats keep screaming.
Tone matters. I lost a decent amount of respect for Taika Waititi that he didn’t realize he had a serious tonal conflict in his movie.
Having read the spoilery review, I think I will enjoy it just fine. The main complaints seem to boil down to Marvel fatigue in my eyes.
I’ve never forgotten these are comic book movies, and carry over some of the issues that comics have.
I’m not saying they can’t be better, I just don’t expect all that much out of em. My expectations are for a good time and maybe a surprise or two.
Of the recent ones, Thor: Love & Thunder was easily the worst. It never decided on a tone, so kept veering from sorrowful to silly.
My buddies and I used to have board game nights. When we inevitably ended up ordering food, people would start pitching in the money just so they didn’t have to call. (As in yes, the guy who made the call got to eat for free.)
I did not mean “sit around and do nothing” when I said ‘pull through this thing’.
I meant fight like hell and tear our freedom back from the fascists by any means necessary.
But if you wanna quibble about verbiage, sure, that’ll get something accomplished.
He charged people to do it.
He was a professional terrorist.
Considering he’s fucking with the leadership of the military, it’s definitely not going to go well.
Plus we have a supposed volunteer military. Do ya think they want to go attack Ukraine? No. No, I don’t think they do.
That’s fine. Every poor conservative is a robber baron who just hasn’t made it big yet anyway.
All I’ve ever wanted is to be left alone to live a small and humble life.
You’re one hell of an ally.
It is definitely not too late for that.
So I’ll say something I’ve posted several times - the way you remember things taints your memory. You remember that you have felt shame when remembering it.
The act of remembering changes your memory.
Forgive yourself. Laugh it off. Love yourself despite your failures, and it really does start to get easier.
Punching down with a heavy dose of representation?
Nobody else lives in your head.
Remember that. You’re likely one of the most abusive people in your life, and YOU CAN CHANGE THAT.
And I’m aware you’re correct, but if we can pull through this thing we can make a new system, and insulting people with “You sweet summer child” doesn’t help.
The old cast have all signed on.
I agree with you that doing service to all the parents and their kids would be exhausting, along the lines of the Beetlejuice sequel.