Just an explorer in the threadiverse.

  • 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • You misunderstand what the Hot rank is doing. It’s not balancing newness vs hotness, it’s scaling hotness according to community size. This might feel like newness if you’re focused on vote counts as a proxy for post age, but it’s a different approach. See https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/issues/3622 for details.

    There’s a couple ways to think about this:

    1. There are a handful of Lemmy communities that are just WAY more active than everything else. The main feeds are kind of lame if you have to scroll 300 posts it to find anything other than a shit post from the same 3 communities. Scaled Hot rank shows a greater variety of communities by making it easier small communities to get ranked hotly.
    2. Or you can consider Hotness to be a rough measure of what percentage of people who have seen the post interacted with it. A post with 500 upvotes in a community with 10,000 active users is kind of popular, but only 5% of the people likely to have scrolled passed it cared about it. A post with 50 upvotes in a community with 200 active members is much MORE popular relatively even though the absolute numbers are smaller.

    At any rate, this preference toward smaller communities in hot is a recent change and deliberate. While they might further tweak the scaling factors, I wouldn’t expect it to be drastically different. It sounds to me like what you want is Top, Active, or Most Comments. All these are unscaled according to community size and will get you top posts by their absolute metric rather than posts that are doing well relative to their community size.

  • PriorProject@lemmy.worldtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldWoL through Wireguard
    1 year ago

    This is a very strong explanation of what’s going on. And as a follow-up, I believe that ZeroTier present a single Ethernet broadcast domain, and so WoL tricks are more likely to work naturally there than with Wireguard. I haven’t used ZeroTier, and I do use Wireguard via Tailscale/Headscale. I’ve never missed the Ethernet features of ZeroTier and they CAN result in a very chatty wan if you’re not careful. But I think ZT would make this straightforward.

    Though as other people note… the simplest/least-disruptive change is probably to expose some scripty thing on the rpi that can be triggered via be triggered over a routed protocol and then have the rpi emit the Ethernet broadcast packets from the physical network.

  • I don’t think titles directly transfer between companies, and yet the industry allows it. It’s a very useful tool for advancement.

    This may be true on some corners of the industry, but at the more competitive end (both in terms of competitive pay, and a competitive pool of candidates)… I believe it’s common to relevel on hire. I’ve seen folks go from director to senior and from senior to junior at my org. The candidates being offered those seemingly big “demotions” often seem to be somewhere between unphased and enthusiastic about the change, presumably because the compensation package we offer at the lower level beats what they were getting with an inflated title and because they know their inflated title is nonsense and they’re frustrated with the other aspects of organizational dysfunction that accompany title inflation at their current company.

    What you say is real, and sometimes a promotion in one org can help bridge you into an org that would have been hard to get hired into as a junior, or harder to get promoted in. It’s not without risk though. All things being equal, I’d much rather spend my time working on a strong team and learning a lot and being challenged than to be in a weaker org that’s handing out inflated titles. Getting gud isn’t a guarantee of advancement, but it’s at least as reliable over the long haul as title inflation.

  • I dunno how to hotlink, but if you scroll to the active users graph at https://fedidb.org/software/lemmy you can see there’s been like a 25% dropoff in active users since the peak in July. Lemmy has still grown 50x since May, and it’s much MUCH more active than it was then. But we’ve definitely crested a peak and not everyone who gave Lemmy a shot then is sticking around in a monthly basis.

    This isn’t necessarily bad. Lemmy is still young and has many rough edges, it wasn’t realistic to win all the users that tried it on ease-of-use in a head to head with reddit. And Mastodon has had multiple growth waves interspersed with periods of declining usage, but with the spikes has grown ie remained stable overall. Early-stage commercial social media have big ups and downs in engagement and growth as well, and just like lemmy those ups and downs are often externally driven… when competitors mess up, when a big global news story hits, when a major sporting event happens… these can all be catalysts for one-time growth. It’s not a straight line.

    Time will tell what user level we stabilize at in the short-term and what events spur new growth, but it’s normal to have a big expansion be followed by some degree of contraction.

  • You were banned from the community and are no longer allowed to post or comment there, there’s a public record of this in the modlog: https://lemmy.world/modlog?page=1&userId=29397

    The best practice is for the mod to put a comment in when they ban someone about why they did so, but there’s no such comment in your case. You’d have to look back through your post and comment history to try to guess what you did in that community around 2mo ago when the ban happened.

    It’s also a good practice IMO to do temporary bans for first offenses, but the mod in this case appears to have issued a permanent ban, so you’re done interacting in that community unless you can message a mod to request being unbanned.

    Some mods tell you when they take action, but many don’t. It would be cool if Lemmy itself notified you, but it doesn’t… you have to search the modlog to see.

  • I don’t think this is a thing and I’m not sure it reasonably can be.

    • Maybe if someone properly crossposted, Lemmy could know which posts are identical and skip dupes. Though it would still be a crapshoot which community got displayed… you might end up seeing the comments from the original post in some tiny/dead community while a crosspost to a huge community blows up with it’s own comments.
    • But for non-crossposted duplicate posts… there’s no relationship between them as far as lemmy is concerned. They’re separate posts to separate communities that just happen to look very similar. Deducing such a scenario is very sticky.

  • Have a read through https://tailscale.com/blog/how-nat-traversal-works/

    You, and many commenters are pretty confused about out tailscale/Headscale work.

    1. To a first approximation, Tailscale/Headscale don’t route and traffic. They perform NAT traversal and data flows directly between nodes on the tailnet, without traversing Headscale/Tailscale directly.
    2. If NAT traversal fails badly enough, it’s POSSIBLE that bulk traffic can flow through the headscale/tailscale DERP nodes… but that’s an unusual scenario.
    3. You probably can’t run Headscale from your home network and have it perform the NAT traversal functions correctly. Of course, I can’t know that for sure because I don’t know anything about your ISP… but home ISPs preventing Headscale from doing it’s NAT traversal job are the norm… one would be pleasantly surprised to find that a home network can do that properly.
    4. Are younreally expecting 10gb/s speeds over your encrypted links? I don’t want to say it’s impossible, people do it… but you’d generally only expect to see this on fairly burly servers that are properly configured. Tailscale just in April bragged about hitting 10gb speeds with recent optimizations: https://tailscale.com/blog/more-throughput/ and on home hardware with novice configd I’d generally expect to see roughly more like single gigabit.

  • I don’t know the answer to your question, though I suspect it’s that Jellyfin doesn’t support menus.

    What I’ve always done is rip each track to a video file. Jellyfin’s movie metadata DOES support extras: https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/server/media/movies/ and video formats like mkv support additional audio and subtitle tracks. With multi-track video format and extras support in the Jellyfin native menus… it’s possible to rip the vast majority of DVD content into Jellyfin. But ISO is not the preferred format to do it.

    The main thing you’d lose here would be interactive menu features or choose-your-own adventure video codes into menus. Those DVD titles are pretty rare though.

    VLC might have DVD menu support for ISOs, fwiw. I have a vague recollection it might, but I’m not at all sure.

  • I don’t know what’s up on your case, but I would not jump to the conclusion that it’s impossible to use tailscale with any other VPN in any circumstance.

    Rather, tailscale and Mullvad will now work easily and out of the box. For other VPNs, you may need to do understand the topology and routing of virtual devices and have the technical ability and system permissions to make deep networking changes.

    So I’d expect one can probably find a way for most things to coexist on a Linux server. On a non-rootrr android phone? I’m less confident.