This has to be the USA right?
This has to be the USA right?
Twitter definitely lost a ton of users and tons continue to leave. That’s why advertisers have pulled out and their stock price has tanked. Twitter is a bad example
This sounds like the best move for Tesla
This is a very American answer. The easy and best solution is to tax the ultra rich and provide college to all Americans.
You already lost them by saying home owner. That’s not realistic
Hear me out. You shouldn’t have to pay anything, those companies shouldn’t exist and it should be government funded. - sincerely the rest of the western world
That’s a problem that’s already solved though. Nfts are really just a way for crypto bros to scam others.
Study after study even before covid shows remote workers are more productive. You shouldn’t have to go in the office if your job can be remote unless it’s for a day of monthly meetings for that face to face time. If your day to day can be remote it’s better for the business and the workers to be remote.
In office work lowers productivity. Boomers are a blight on everything.
They already have. They’re fascists and Conservatives love fascism
Are you fucking dense? They are telling you what they will do just like they overturned roe v wade. Gtfo with your fascist supporting garbage.
The frog in boiling water moment was over a decade ago. They’re openly supporting fascists now.
Studies have shown that circumcision is typically not necessary. There are definitely extreme cases where the procedure may be required but the cleanliness aspect or for sti protection is make belief.
Apathy is a bullshit response
Let’s hope they do. They are a dumpster fire. I’m fine with perpetual minority governments with NDP Liberal and Green coalitions or supply and confidence agreement. Give me electoral reform damn it.
Will be worse than last year
It all starts with conservatism and attacks on education
Again, they’re the same picture
1991 borders