• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I just don’t understand why this particular thing comes up all the time. Is there someone seriously proposing that?

    I know the conspiracy theorists loooove to talk about it as if Bill Gates along with some “they” is planning that for all of the rest of us, based on something said at WEF one time, but…?

    I’m sure the alex jones crew bring it up all the time when talking about the secret global conspiracy or whatever, but I bring it up because bugs are a legitimate food source. One that is extremely efficient in terms of both resources and space, but just because eating bugs is more “efficient” then eating beef, doesn’t mean that we should all eat bugs. Generally this is uncontroversial, but some environmentalists dismiss food culture and variety of diets amongst humans in pursuit of maximizing some other metric but they aren’t very clear on what their goals are, let alone the why.

  • “End Racism” was removed as the slogan in the end zones in the stadium where the Superbowl is being hosted, and people wanted to attack neoliberals for being so soft that “People Exist” would be their replacement slogan. Would there have ever have been an “End Racism” sign from the Saints and NFL if the “neoliberals” hadn’t been pushing things forward since LBJ?

    If the “neoliberal” party wasn’t around to constantly stop socialism, do nothing slogans like that wouldn’t need to exist at all. Slavery would have actually been banned, not enshrined in the constitution as punishment. FDR wouldn’t have even been elected, it would have been Eugene Debs or someone even more radical. The purpose of the democratic party is to make sure that things cannot get better economically unless a large corporation benefits first and foremost.

  • Why the focus on “efficiency” with food? The purpose of food in human culture goes way beyond caloric efficiency, and honestly caloric efficiency is the last thing we should consider when discussing food supplies. We don’t want to, nor do we need to, get into a race to the bottom where we destroy all food culture because it turns out that eating bugs is the most space and resource efficient way to create food.

    Not to mention the unspoken assumption when we start talking about food efficiency that the human population of earth should be maximized because we want to be efficient in our food consumption, therefore we should restrict our diet to the bare minimum so that we can support more people.