Polish foreign minister
The same man who thanked USA for Nordstream sabotage.
Polish foreign minister
The same man who thanked USA for Nordstream sabotage.
Other than in vague sense in which Poles are citizens of EU, no, that’s specifically came from the funds of IPN which Nawrocki is president, and IPN is financed from Polish budget. Entire IPN should also crash and burn since it’s far right historical rewriting agency, and it’s a den of PiS corruption, audits show around 25% of its budget is spend on suspicious things.
In the 3 years of the war we didn’t seen any creation of the military industry in Europe, instead we did seen deindustrialisation in key countries like Germany and UK. Also their so called ally, US, actively supress them with energy prices and actions like Nordstream sabotage. Even the country which military expenditure risen the most, Poland, just buy weapons in Occupied Korea, with barely any effort of sustainability other than forking money. And all that even before we talk about corruption and wastage in governments and military industries.
Is that Bernie?
USA have absolutely abysmal records of upholding nuclear disarmament so IF it is even a serious proposition, the reason for it it’s the quickly incoming time when Minutemen missiles will have to be decomissioned while its replacement is so much overbudget and overtime that it seriously risk scrapping of entire project. Meaning the perspective USA will lose main part of its strategic armament is real.
Also you never, ever trust USA on any nuclear deals.
Wake me up when any party in USA is held properly accountable for all the crimes against humanity they commit.
What a fucking great deal!
Somehow it’s always like that when some country get to serve as US proxy.
Also supported mass murders in Indonesia.
Sounds like the task for Bene Gesserit
Zelensky himself claimed it’s more than half, though he tried to shift the blame from himself and Ukraine. Though i guess it’s not even impossible he’s completely right and he ands his cronies only then helped themselves to significant part of remaining half.
All they demanded was basically a lip service and they didn’t get even that
How about do something about 40% of wasted food instead? But no, peasants need to eat worms while porkys counts the profits and pile the grapes of wrath even higher.
Yeah i like the genre because it’s an unashamed epic power trips. I blame the western fantasy which degenerated to shitty gritty dark low fantasy and/or pointless strings of long action scenes and keeps at it for over 30 years.
Btw i recognized the nickname because i currently read the Eternal Supreme :)
Fellow xianxia enjoyer?
Huh so not even success guarantees existence in capitalism. Should have thought about that and just be born as nephew of game corpo shareholder, noobs.
In current Polish sejm there is 17 parties and 42 indpendents (on 460 seats). But every single one of them is procapitalist, proimperialist, pro USA, anticommunist. Alternative voting methods do literally nothing by itself.
It’s because he have the deepest ties with atlanticist establishment out of all Poles. The word “comprador” is most fitting. And no, he’s not really good diplomat, since he have honesty moments like the above.