“If there were an Oscar for best theatrical performance by a country, Israel would win every year. It’s a country based on theater. It’s a lunatic state - completely insane”.
Norman Finkelstein
The build quality in US brands is lacking, on top of them just being too big and too thirsty.
The world’s largest democracy.
Okay but a country will have to be dropped for it to remain a G7. Maybe the UK? I think they have dropped from the developed countries category. The G7 itself is outdated, they are no longer the top 7 economies.
Every country should own nukes.
I agree with this.
Deals with the US aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.
The ethnic cleansing of North America happened one treaty at a time.
True. The US is the only country that ever used them and the only country where politicians regularly threaten to use them. Somehow though they get to act as if they are the only ones that can be trusted with them.
Those three aren’t as bad as Netanyahu and he too has nuclear weapons.
Did the US uphold its end of the deal?
Why would North Korea denuclearize when the US still hasn’t?
Denuclearization is a good thing.
Trump would deport Jesus if he could.
You are screaming into the void. The people downvoting you think Butcher Biden is a good person, they are a lost cause.
There’s plenty of good reasons to cut down on meat, health is only one of them. I try to go meatless whenever I can.
Thank goodness I never found processed meat appealing or appetizing.
Imagine if Russia didn’t have nuclear weapons and the ICBM to deliver them.
Israel hasn’t honoured a single agreement it signed with the Palestinians since 1948
Under which authority? Is he sending troops? Will they kill whoever doesn’t leave?
Is the annual price dependant on the crime?
No, it is dependent on the victim. A healthcare CEO is clearly worth much more than 65,000 Palestinians.
This whole time I thought it was about the farmlands, but it turns out to be about the minerals. Silly me.