the the claim holds!
the the claim holds!
that escalated quickly
it worked out oh so well in Afghanistan, lets do that again! but this time, for oi…errr Murican interests!
that is actually duper useful!
normally emergency vehicle can? and do use any part of road or non road. over here at least they can easily jump on oncoming traffic lane just to cross a heavy traffic part of a road. See it happen so often its not an issue.
Getting dizzy watching this, no way can I spin that much and not get sick 🤢
Well done for the performer! Impressive
In places with hot countries you need to do this so your furry friends don’t burn their paw pads on hot concrete. Remember that in the wild grass and soil wouldn’t get as hot as concrete.
Weird questions but is Ireland more or less religious than Iran? Are you politically active? (donno if you can vote in general elections but local elections are doable) and if not would you be given a chance?
And processing fee!
Let’s hope they use real knives
Taxpayer will cover, don’t worry, large business interests are always protected
If we would have money, there would be no need to donate more as we wouldn’t be living in a predatory capitalistic society
It’s black move for the queen, the next turn is white and the king is blocked but not in check
Queen moves into a space that stops king from moving as you cannot move into a check. It’s a forced draw.
Very very cute, mine would have already ripped open and ate the hand
Is anyone going to mention the bull with spears… “Walking” out of the gate…?
But the original article doesn’t appear to suggest that the man voted for trump though.
My hero!
if trump is “less interested in other countries” he should get the fuck out of Greenland and Gaza