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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • I’m with you on intent. He had no place being there, and it surely wasn’t to protect anyone.

    But the guy above is correct in regards to the event’s timeline/order of action. Rittenhouse sucks, he was a child who was radicalised to hate and to fear others, and then he cried (like the child he was, at 17) in front of a panel and got brought into the conservative media fold where he now, as an adult, is an absolute shit stain for not recognizing his actions or the vitriol of the people around him. I pity 17 year old Rittenhouse, no one is adult enough at that age to be carrying a gun in that kind of a situation with that kind of mindset. The 22 year old he is now doesn’t get that pity.

  • Ignore that guy, he’s just as ineffective as the argument he’s calling out.

    “Don’t lament or complain, get grass roots”

    My city voted in a mayor who was caught 4 months prior drunk behind the wheel with his neice in the back seat. They also voted (about 93%) for a lieutenant governor who said he wants to put interracial marriage laws “back to the states”. The grassroots movements have failed time and again here, and the population has no interest in changing.

    I’m not saying don’t try, but giving half assed “get organizef” advice is the same as people complaining, it gives no tangible assistance and makes YOU feel like you’re working to resolve the problems. Where’s your volunteer group? Did you canvas this year? The answer for a majority of people has been ‘No’, so instead of complaining about people complaining, maybe try redirecting to legitimate strategies or at the very least show some compassion for others’ plights. People complaining isn’t leading to less action, the powers that be have stacked the deck so hard in their favor that the common man is running out of methods to fight it.

    Protests are being silenced, they’re calling in the cops before anythings been done and then violence escalates immediately. YES other protests have been met with violence, but at this stage in the American system the average person is a paycheck or two away from being homeless and you expect them to put themselves in a position that can and WILL result in jail time? Black Lives Matter over here had a kid lose an eye from the dipshit cops’ tear gas canisters pointed right at his noggin’, you think people are as inclined to come out and show support when that’s what’s to be expected?

    I’m not saying don’t go out and participate. I’m donating locally. Trying to find political groups i can spend maybe an hour or two participating in a week (so far, no one feels safe enough or that there’s enough support…so, college groups is all we’ve got), but mostly, I’m just trying to get the fuck out of the craziest places and move somewhere sensible where me and my partner’s rights aren’t up for debate. And I’ve seen plenty of people who post with the tone that you did above say that leaving is “part of the problem” and that we’d leave the state with less sensible voters.

  • My brother is a car salesman, I was a car salesman, it’s sleaze all the way to the top. Never met an honest car salesman, and the ones that were semi decent were still pumping their fists over 12-pounders sold to unwitting and often financially compromised individuals

    “Don’t manage someone else’s money” was the sentiment I was told time and again if i dared bring up how shitty it was to even offer an old woman with poor credit a $700/mo payment on a shit CVT ass lease.

    You don’t have to be a cop, you don’t have to sell insurance, you don’t have to sell cars. Calling jobs primarily inhabited by manipulative people ‘slimy’ is just how that works.